Jameela Jamil is such a clout-chasing wokescold. I can't take her seriously at all.
And Zarah Sultana of the anti Semitic tweets. She’s a Jew hating Corbynista who can’t be taken seriously.
Just looked her up. She reminds me of the far left “Squad” in the US - Ilhan Omar regularly makes antisemitic comments and Rashida has been involved with some pretty radical Islamic language.
While I’m a pretty liberal Dem in the US, there are some areas I think they are really wrong on.
They just got finished having an entire week to themselves, but no, they still can't let us have a single day to recognize the pandemic of violence and murder against girls and women that's orders of magnitude more severe than anything that Men of Gender will ever experience worldwide.
I think some trans fatigue is setting it, they could only get around 50 to sign a letter this time. I remember when it was over 2,000.
This - and what a year to hijack it when the amount of transgender people that have been killed in the UK is currently zero over the last year. But on average two women will be killed this week alone. wRoNg SiDe oF HiStOrY my arse.
It’s like they’re begging for there to be some, though. You know, for munchausen woke points.
I really do tire of having to hear from dumb creative types who don't understand basic biology OR feminism.
Aw, crap. Olivia Colman? I like her.
Right? Her character on Fleabag was perfect.
Really? On a day about ending violence against women and girls which is a plague in this world they need to centre men? They’re disgusting. No better than the MRAs screeching ‘what about the men?’ when even five minutes is taken to talk about women.
I read the hate crime report from Stonewall that is linked in the letter. They gave two examples of "hate crimes". The first was a TIM who was complaining that he wasn't being taken seriously. The second was a TIF who was being stalked. There was no more information about how they came to the figures quoted in the report.
Interesting difference – the TIM is distressed over being found laughable while the TIF is being hunted down and doesn't feel safe in her own home.
The TIF is being stalked, it’s almost as if she is a woman
Literal example of the saying men are afraid women will laugh at them, women are afraid that men will kill them (I know Atwood is on the woketrain but it still holds value as a saying)
How about also condemning violence and hostility from trans activists against gender critical feminists? The threats of violence I have seen on social media are entirely from the trans activist side, and depending on what 'hostility' might mean in this context it is at least equal from them and probably greater. Gender critical women have lost their jobs and so on because of activist demands. That seems pretty hostile to me.
Let's face it: we've all committed violence simply for stating that transwomen are men.
It's just an epidemic of violence all around!
My god, that makes this website the most violent and dangerous place in all of the internet! I can't believe I've felt so safe here and enjoyed civil conversations, when in reality we were all just murdering transpeople with our disagreeing words.
It's like watching Tom Cruise acting crazy because of scientology. It's very cringy and embarrassing to watch these people from the outside.
Didn't Olivia Colman just say about two years ago how making out with a woman in one of her films was fine with her husband because "when it's between women it's not cheating, just a bit of fun, teehee". I remember thinking, wow, that's not very progressive, but whatever. Now suddenly she pretends she's the wokest of the woke for transwomen.
Disappointing because I like her acting so much and I thought she was just not with the times, now I'm thinking she's just dumb.
Isn’t Jamil the woman who called Beyoncé a whore and went after Rihanna too? She is a vile person.
What about the epidemic of women murdered by their male significant others?
That's boring and so passé. Everyone knows women are no longer oppressed!!!!/s