Feminist OrganizationFilmmakers interested in DV
Posted November 5, 2023 by Women1st in Activism

I’m curious if anyone on Ovarit is a filmmaker or has the ability to produce a documentary about court systems and their failure to address DV.

I’ve told my story a bunch of times here, but I just read another post here this morning about another women murdered in a contentious divorce/custody case after she was denied protection. For my attempted murder a judge said, it “happened years ago.” Bear in mind, this was only 3 years and during a protective order case. We are ignored. Our children go back to our abusers. Our children are ignored. We are legally and geographically tied to our abusers. The legal system is another way they can abuse and control.

I’m hoping someone on this site can and will collect our stories and create a documentary. Our stories need to be told. Women and children need to be heard.

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LunarMooseSeptember 26, 2023

The religions that will protect you are largely conservative (a conservative Jewish temple, Catholicism, the Muslim faith). If it possible for you and your family, honestly, this is what I would do.

Of course, you need to weigh out your family situation, your values, and what would best support (and protect) your child.

ArchitecturaSeptember 26, 2023

Conservative Jews are incredibly liberal. You want Modern Orthodox at the very least.