I’m all for funding the approval of new treatments for breast cancer and supporting screenings for women who can’t afford them. However I’m aware there are 10000 scams during Breast Cancer Awareness month.
I know several dear women affected by this and would like to help but don’t want to waste resources on a scam. I Googled but it’s tough to tell where the money actually goes.
Anyone have experience with this org?
I accidentally donated to this PAC once. It doesn’t have a good reputation, does NOT fund research, and your money may go towards supporting politicians and organizations you never would.
I asked to be removed from their list. They kept calling. Nowadays when they call I hand the phone to one of my kids and tell them to talk about whatever they want.
That’s brilliant. I love it.
I told them to send me an envelope. They begged me to promise a donation of $20 because postage costs them money. I will not be donating
They bullied me into donating $50 over the phone. I canceled my credit card right after because everything I googled after about the organization basically confirmed it was sketchy af and I didn’t trust them not to double or triple-run it, or do “recurring donations” or something.
On the bright side, they have heard my son’s remarkable improvements perfecting the ABC song, have listened to my 7-year-old daughter happily ramble on about Don’t Starve Together, and have heard my 5 year-old daughter practice her jokes where the punchlines don’t land but you can kind of see her thought process if you think about it.