This is the same UK where the film classification board (the regulatory agency that decides these things—which is not answerable or accountable to the public in any way) has already made it illegal for ANY porn to show a Woman being too vigorously physical on the receiving end of oral sex ("face sitting"), or daring to have a (real or simulated) orgasm that deposits any sort of liquid effluent on Her partner ("[F]emale ejaculation").
Needless to say, the precise equivalents with the sexes reversed are perfectly allowable... so... We know the kind of people We're dealing with here. Fat chance in hell that they'll adopt any policy points with an eye to cracking down on the abuse of Women and Girls.
The above prohibitions (along with a short list of others—see the linked article) were enacted in the UK Digital Economy Act of 2017 and apply expressly to online pornography, so, the OP article's claim that online porn is a lawless. regulation-free spaghetti-western fever dream is just flat-out wrong.
The problem is, nothing has ever been done to enforce (upon internet porn sites) the main law regarding pornography - that being the age limit. Until that begins to happen, there’s absolutely zero chance any of these laws regarding specific content will be looked at.
In real life, bookshops, newsstands, and sex shops have been sanctioned, fined, and sellers have even been arrested - for allowing access to one or a handful of minors. Meanwhile, the entire system of internet porn was built so that all ages could have access. The pitiful “are you over 18” checkboxes are a feature, not a bug. Porn is actively promoted to underage viewers in every algorithm, all the way down to kids YouTube.
Every site could easily do something about this but they don’t have to, so they don’t. Imagine if the laws were enforced for one single day. Pornhub could be facing a million violations in the UK alone.