EventStand with German women to protest self-ID on Friday, Nov 1st. - Copy-Paste from Women's Declaration email
Posted September 27, 2024 by notsofreshfeeling in Activism

Dear Signatories of the Declaration on Women’s Sex-Based Rights,

Our WDI sisters in Germany are gathering in Berlin on Friday, November 1 to protest the German legislature's enactment of a self-ID law. Beginning November 1, any German adult can change his or her official sex ID for all purposes. The law also includes a fine of up to €10,000 for “intentionally” disclosing or investigating someone’s actual sex. More information on the new law is available here.

Two WDI USA volunteers will be hosting in-person actions for this purpose.

There will be an event in Washington, DC on Nov. 1. Please contact Kara Dansky at noselfiddc@gmail.com if you are interested in participating in person or have questions. Illinois women will be gathering also. Contact Brianna, WDI USA Illinois State Contact, at il.womensdeclaration@gmail.com if you are interested in participating or have any questions.

Broadly, many TERFs around the world will be standing outside German embassies and consulates on that day to protest. (You can read more about the action here.) Our German sisters understand that this will be right before US elections, making it a hard time to plan many actions in the US; therefore, if you can’t plan or participate in an in-person action, please take pictures of yourselves in any location with signs opposing Self ID, and then tweet those pictures on November 1st. Please include the hashtags #SelfIDHarms (e.g., #SelfIDHarms women and lesbians, with a space after the hashtag) and #WomenRise. Here are a few sign ideas:

NO to Self-ID! Solidarity with our German Sisters Self-ID Harms Women & Lesbians RISE Women RISE!

Thank you for supporting our German sisters in this global action as they take a courageous stance against self ID laws.

In solidarity,

The WDI USA Board of Directors

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