Write or Call In CampaignNew Yorkers: Stand up for female prisoners and contact your senators to oppose SB1049
Posted February 6, 2025 by notsofreshfeeling in Activism

Excerpt from WOLF email below:

We're also reaching out regarding a bad bill coming through the New York Senate: SB1049. The bill is deceptively named, and is almost a copy of a terrible bill California passed in 2020. Here's some of the language from the New York bill:

"establishes that incarcerated individuals shall be presumptively placed in a correctional facility with persons of the gender that most closely aligns with such person's self-attested gender identity unless the person opts out of such placement."

This language allows a man to identify as a woman, and be housed in the women's facility. California did the same thing, and transferred Tremaine Carroll, a convicted sex offender, into the women's facility. He raped two incarcerated women, and is now standing trial. He also has been remanded back to the men's facility. You can read more about his case here, including how the DA is now being forced to refer to Carrol as 'she / her' by the presiding judge.

Don't let this happen in your state. Contact your state senator here, and let them know to vote against SB1049. Men can never be women, and certainly shouldn't be incarcerated with them.

Kind regards,

Sharon Byrne

Executive Director, Women's Liberation Front

(202) 573-9026

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