Please sign this petition calling on the German government to introduce the Nordic Model in Germany. It is organised by prostitution survivors.
“We, members of the Ella network - as victims of prostitution and other forms of sexual exploitation, together with our allies and supporters, demand that prostitution be abolished as a system of gender-based violence, oppression and exploitation that primarily affects women and girls.
Germany needs modern legislation that respects and guarantees both human rights and gender equality: the Nordic model, also known as the equality model. [1] The 2024 decision of the European Court of Human Rights confirms the legality of this model for dealing with prostitution. [2]
We demand the introduction and consistent implementation of a systemic approach to prostitution with five equal pillars:
Decriminalization and guaranteed state aid to be able to leave prostitution or other forms of the sex industry. Abolition of any taxes or levies on the performance of sexual acts for payment. Provision of comprehensive programs that enable health rehabilitation, social reintegration and viable alternatives. Protection and recognition as victims of violence with the right to asylum. Help for family members of those affected, especially their children.
Criminalization of all profiteers from prostitution or the sexual exploitation of others. Combating all forms of pimping and sex purchase. Confiscation of all profits from prostitution or the sexual exploitation of others. Prohibition of all state or municipal income from prostitution or sexual exploitation.
Social education about prostitution and other forms of the sex industry, with a focus on offers for young people. Help for at-risk young people and their parents. Anti-sexist education and age-appropriate education in schools. Education about gender equality and sexual self-determination in the education system in general. Support for the organizations of those affected that provide education.
Prevention of prostitution and sexual exploitation. Consistent combating of the demand for prostitution, including the ban on buying sex and punishing clients when they offer payment. Consent to sexual acts for payment must not be considered consent and must be legally invalid. Effective combating of all forms of violence against women and girls. Effective elimination of sexism, poverty and discrimination.
Effective work of state services. Training and further education of all responsible institutions and services. Suitable contacts for those affected, enough female specialists. Involvement of affected organizations as experts and advisors in all measures. Ethical guidelines that explicitly prohibit the purchase of sex for all employees of state services.
The Nordic model is currently the only tried and tested model that can eliminate the causes of sexual exploitation. Simple solutions do not work when it comes to abolishing a system of violence and exploitation with an estimated annual turnover of 15 billion euros. [3] This can only be achieved with a systemic approach: protection and help for prostitutes are guaranteed. Education brings about a lasting rethink in society. The demand for prostitution and profits from the prostitution of third parties are combated. Without the money of the clients, the prostitution system cannot exist.”
Sign the petition: