Write or Call In CampaignWho to call for homophobia lawsuit?
Posted March 12, 2025 by Anaktorias_Secret in Activism

Who do I get in contact with concerning online bans based on homophobia?

Would the LGB Alliance be interested in invoking a lawsuit against platforms like reddit?

This is specifically to do with a lesbian being banned for saying lesbians like pussy.

Petty, yes, but if Roxanne Tickle can get a lawsuit for not getting into a female app, I have the right to speak up about this too.


trilobyteMarch 12, 2025

This is similar to cases based on free speech in the US Supreme Court about a year ago 02/26/24:

Alito complained about the term “content moderation” that the sites employ to keep material off their platforms. “Is it anything more than a euphemism for censorship?” he asked, later musing that term struck him as Orwellian.

But Justice Brett Kavanaugh, seemingly more favorable to the companies, took issue with calling the actions of private companies censorship, a term he said should be reserved for restrictions imposed by the government.

Source: https://apnews.com/article/supreme-court-social-media-florida-texas-19180ad0a9bdf48ddb77f14a5e335545

Then, the decision was tossed back to the lower courts in July.

Source: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/supreme-court-sends-state-efforts-to-regulate-social-media-platforms-back-to-lower-courts

If you want to talk to a lawyer to understand what all your options might be, you could contact the American Bar Association in your state to be connected with a lawyer after intake.

I also see various legal centers set up with the intention of pursuing justice for specific, disadvantaged groups. I worked with a lawyer connected through the “me too” legal fund. It’s possible you could find a lawyer through a women’s-focused group rather than a strictly LGB legal group. If you really want to pursue it, I would approach from all angles and talk to a few different lawyers.

real_feministMarch 12, 2025(Edited March 12, 2025)

I don't have the answer but I think you need to specify the country to get useful help.

NastasyaFillipovnaMarch 12, 2025

If you're talking about reddit, I doubt you would get any traction. As they ban on the basis of their "community guidelines", not as per reddits policy. And reddit allow both female only, and Lesbian only subs to exist, albeit it's just porn subs and all the posters are males.

LillithMarch 12, 2025

So...Giggle and other companies can just say the magic words "community guidelines" and get away with it too?

NastasyaFillipovnaMarch 12, 2025

Maybe. They could try, because reddit would claim there is nothing in their own policy regarding lesbian not liking dicks, but it's the community's policy. And communities belong to users and moderators, so effectively blame lies on them.

Same way they get away with making subs based on the color of your skin. There is one of the major subs where you have to send a pic of your skin color to be able to post

LillithMarch 12, 2025

Skin color subs are insane. If they can get away with that, no one should get in trouble for anything.

TheRealLadyGagaMarch 12, 2025

if reddit allows female only and lesbian only subreddits how come every “terfy” lesbian subreddit gets banned??

Committing_TerveryMarch 14, 2025

If it hurts penis-havers’ feelings, it’s bannable. If it’s misogynistic/lesbophobic and censors women, it’s worthy of praise & perfectly okay 👍 -_-