So I wandered down to my local rally for choice today (May 14), and carried a sign that said this:
You needn't be a biologist to know
That women will suffer without Roe
And on the back:
Yes, WOMEN. Not "birthing persons," "menstruators," "cervix-havers," "chestfeeders," OR "bodies with a vagina"
Walked around for 20 minutes or so and encountered an older fellow (lol, my age) who leaned in and said, "I agree with your sign." I thanked him and we got to chatting. Turns out he's an old-time leftist, has done serious community organizing, environmental, antinuclear work since the 1970s ... the real deal. He asked for my name, suggested maybe some kind of local thing could get going surrounding GC activism ... but I politely declined. He said he understood, because he'd encountered others of like mind who were unwilling to go on the record in the left community.
Then Antifa descended, yelling and signaling obscenities and ultimately grabbing my sign from my hand. They cursed at us for a few minutes while my new friend took photos of them while politely asking, over and over, "Why do you hate women?"
He eventually managed to talk them down; later I had a brief exchange with one of them and let myself go on a rant. (The contrast between his and my "communication" styles made it plain who was the professional organizer and who was not.) But as part of my rant I screamed at the top of my lungs the exact words printed on my sign.
I think a few people might have heard me.
I came home, checked out the fellow's website, and made a donation.
Anyone else have any fun stories to tell from the rallies today?