SoftwareSoftware updates: Vote breakdown removed, "best" comment sort option added, no more collecting notifications, and others
Posted November 21, 2021 by girl_undone [speaking as admin] in Announcements

##No more vote score breakdown

The vote breakdowns aren't visible to users anymore unless they're a mod of the circle. The total score is still visible, but not the number of up and down votes. As always, if you think there is organized trolling or any other attempts at disrupting the communities here, message the admins by messaging the mods of /o/Ovarit.

##No more accumulating hundreds of notifications

We realized we were saving many old notifications, which was causing performance problems. Notifications older than 30 days which do not appear in the most recent 50 shown on your notifications page may now be deleted.

##New comment sort option: sort by "best"

You can now sort comments by "best" in new threads going forward. This option won't appear on threads that existed before we updated today. This is an attempt to make newer comments less deprioritized compared to older comments that have been seen more.

##Option to add post flair when submitting a post

You can now select post flair when submitting a post. Mods have the option to make selecting post flair required to post. If mods don't set up post flair options before requiring post flairs to post, no one will be able to post. Don't do that (unless you want to watch the world burn which is understandable).

##Odds and Ends

  • Mods can now un-remove content they previously removed. Pushing the wrong button just got a lot less bad!

  • Clicking "Load More" when viewing comments with "New" sort should be fixed.

  • Miscellaneous fixes as usual.

Thank you so much to our devs!

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