And yet the sun stayed on its axis and kept spinning, day did not turn to night, the seas did not boil, nor the skies fall to earth, and nobody died as a result of sexed pronoun use We were told this wasn’t possible.
This community is for the analysis of BDSM, fetish and other sex practices which cause harm to the participants, especially from a feminist perspective.
Many of these practices coincide with or evolve into abuse.
No Kink Apologia
Be Respectful
Engage in Good Faith
Rules are explained in the stickied post, "Read This First"
Correct pronoun use by the paper, and correct sexing by the police spokesperson!
And yet the sun stayed on its axis and kept spinning, day did not turn to night, the seas did not boil, nor the skies fall to earth, and nobody died as a result of sexed pronoun use We were told this wasn’t possible.