BookstoresWhere can I buy Irreversible Damage??
Posted February 24, 2021 by holy_santo in Books

It’s so hard to find! I’m trying not to purchase anything from Amazon, is it available anywhere else?

Edit: thank you everyone! I’ll order it from an independent bookstore. The libraries near me don’t have it.


TheEthicalHedonistFebruary 24, 2021

I went to a small local bookstore and had them order it for me. Can you try that?

SilkySquidFebruary 24, 2021(Edited February 24, 2021)

It looks like it's currently available at Barnes & Noble.

[Deleted]February 24, 2021

got my copy there

marywollstonecraft2February 24, 2021

Almost any independent bookstore should either carry it or be able to order it for you. For example, this one: https://www.semcoop.com/search/apachesolr_search/irreversible damage

This is one of many reasons we need to support independent bookstores. They tend not to censor things. I try not to buy books from amazon.

[Deleted]February 24, 2021
GelatinousRubeFebruary 24, 2021

Hmm it's not on Bookshop.org at all except as audio cds. I requested it from my library.

[Deleted]February 24, 2021(Edited February 24, 2021)

I bought it on Amazon when it was first published but don’t know if they buckled under TRA pressure and removed it or not.

Edit, sorry. I saw your headline but not that you wanted to avoid Amazon. I totally understand that.