It’s so hard to find! I’m trying not to purchase anything from Amazon, is it available anywhere else?
Edit: thank you everyone! I’ll order it from an independent bookstore. The libraries near me don’t have it.
Almost any independent bookstore should either carry it or be able to order it for you. For example, this one: damage
This is one of many reasons we need to support independent bookstores. They tend not to censor things. I try not to buy books from amazon.
Hmm it's not on at all except as audio cds. I requested it from my library.
I bought it on Amazon when it was first published but don’t know if they buckled under TRA pressure and removed it or not.
Edit, sorry. I saw your headline but not that you wanted to avoid Amazon. I totally understand that.
I went to a small local bookstore and had them order it for me. Can you try that?