chernoglazayaFebruary 3, 2023

Witchcraft has been commodified. Arguably, it has been since the neopagan boom of the 60s, and even earlier when some British pervert thought up Wicca. It’s been packaged and sold (like, fucking Homegoods sells sage bundles). It’s not a surprise that it’s also cashing in on the TRA bullshit, because it widens profit margins.

PtarmagantFebruary 3, 2023

Thank you for pointing out that Wicca was made up (in the 1950s, maybe) by a pervert with the attitudes of a dirty little schoolboy. It infuriates me that so many women get suckered into thinking it is some noble, empowering, ancient faith.

goatmealFebruary 3, 2023

This is so beautifully and succinctly put:

What worries me about treating the witch as “one of us” — someone on our side, representative of our values, proof of our anti-establishment credentials — is that it prizes the external trappings of “witchiness” over a meaningful analysis of what might make a woman a witch today. At its extreme, the former becomes a substitute for the latter.

This right here gets at the heart of what's been bothering me, that I haven't been able to express.

[Deleted]February 3, 2023

The passage you highlight here also really struck me because it's also true in the actual modern witchcraft community. So many put the emphasis on looking like a witch over actually being a witch, and it just echoes that gross postmodernist idea that aesthetics are ethics and thinking about doing something or looking like the kind of person who does something is enough.

drdeeisbackFebruary 4, 2023

Which is so weird to me because I grew up with, and still have, the idea that we're better off not advertising our 'witchiness', as that does not tend to go well for us.

overanddoneFebruary 3, 2023

"Once you start claiming you’re here for “all of the witches”, the truth is, you’re here for the mob."

Bravo. Emma Watson, pay attention.

Infernalis [OP]February 3, 2023

I was browsing for books today, and noticed that so many "witchlit" authors are TRAs, so I don't want to support them with my money and I also become more skeptical that the books will actually be good. Which is a shame, because I love a bit of historical magic

BigBoudFebruary 4, 2023

I'm currently reading The Manningtree Witches and I'll bet the author's not a TRA. Idk, too much solid knowledge of women and stuff like PPD/intrusive thoughts. Bits of that book have given me chills they're so spot on. Also set in the 17th century, so not much gender woo around back then. On the other hand, I'm only halfway through and I think it's going to be one of those witchy books in which no magic is actually done, so maybe not what you're looking for!

Infernalis [OP]February 5, 2023

Not to ruin the book for you, but I'm afraid she is a TRA as well... She's specifically called out t*rfs reading her book and says that drawing parallels between the witchhunts and being persecuted for GC beliefs is self-indulgent and ahistorical. The book does look really interesting though, so I'll possibly have to give in and borrow it at the library at some point.

BigBoudFebruary 5, 2023

Bugger. You'd think specifically writing about witch-hunts would peak people, but I guess the cognitive dissonance is too strong.

[Deleted]February 5, 2023
scriptcroneFebruary 3, 2023

Can I point you in the direction of Marie Jakober, explicitly feminist and criminally under-regarded writer of Even the Stones (originally published as High Kamilan) and The Black Chalice? Both have Kindle versions. The only other writer I can think of who is as explicit in her her examination of power is Octavia Butler (whose work I also recommend with the least excuse), though the two explore different aspects. Jakober is more of a romantic in her depictions of passion and sensuality--and starker in her condemnation of the forces (especially patriarchal religion) that deform them. As one of her characters says, "The body is not negotiable."

DoomedSibylFebruary 3, 2023(Edited February 3, 2023)

I just went and bought these! Thank you for the recommendation. :)

PS - Octavia Butler is one of my favorites. As soon as I saw your mention of her I figured these would be worth trying.

Infernalis [OP]February 3, 2023

Great, thank you! Will definitely check those out - that sounds like the kind of thing I'm looking for. I need to read more Octavia Butler as well now that you mention it (I've only read Kindred)

MirrenFebruary 3, 2023

Thank you for the recommendation

[Deleted]February 3, 2023

Anne Bishop writes really excellent witch fantasy. Her black jewels series is a favorite of mine.

Infernalis [OP]February 3, 2023

Thank you for the recommendation, I'll check it out!

MirrenFebruary 3, 2023

Thanks for the recommendation

[Deleted]February 3, 2023