Recommendation Requestmiddle grade fantasy with female MC?
Posted March 22, 2023 by starlitdelusions in Books

I have a daughter who loves fantasy adventure stories - Harry Potter, The Hobbit, the How to Train Your Dragon books - but she has complained about how male-centric fantasy-adventure stories are, which is an accurate criticism of the children's books I own which I didn't even realize until she mentioned it (my child has more female class consciousness than I do, she's gonna unintentionally shame me into doing better lol.)

Unfortunately, she isn't interested in the books I have for her age that do have heroines as they all are "she is a princess but she is a tomboy and ran away!!" or "she dressed up like a boy to go adventuring!" OR they involve unicorns and princesses.

She wants girls who have adventures in a world where this is not a gender role violation AND the girls are not super frilly princess/unicorn/magical girl type characters. And while I have tried to use google, I'm having trouble determining which more recent middle-grade books would fit her criteria.

The one heroine adventure I read her that she loved was the first Alexandra Quick book, so fanfiction is also an option as long as it can be read fandom blind and is appropriate for someone under 13.

She loves sympathetic portrayals of monsters, dragons, and spiders and she hates romance. She doesn't want mixed-gender groups, either, unless it is a group of girls with a token boy.

I will be most grateful to anyone who has any ideas

Edit: thank you everyone for the ideas! I'm putting them all in a list to check out. I knew y'all would be the right women to ask.

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