FictionThoughts on The Power, by Naomi Alderman?
Posted March 29, 2023 by broccolipathsofglory in Books

Have any of you read this book?

For those who haven't read it: girls and women suddenly have the power to electrocute others. It spreads throughout all of femalekind. Men do not acquire this power. Obviously, there's a major power shift in the world and women slowly take control over everything.

I really liked the concept of the book, and I liked exploring how society slowly changed over time, but I hated how the women in the book were just as awful as men in a patriarchy. The author literally had them doing the same things that men are doing to women today.

Obviously, there will always be people who abuse power. But I honestly don't think a matriarchy (which is what the world turns into) would be as toxic and oppressive as a patriarchy. Or am I wearing rose-colored glasses?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this book. It's soon to be an Amazon Prime series, by the way. I think it comes out later this week. I do look forward to seeing what they do with the story.

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