Harry Potter, Book 4 release party, July 2000
I'm feeling so nostalgic for the early HP fandom so I've been watching lots of these videos. I wanted to share this one since it has such a calming effect on me and it's late at night (lol)
I don't think there will ever be another book or book series that inspires both children and adults to read with such fervor. It truly is amazing how much J.K. Rowling ignited children's literature.
It's laughable when those who hate her try to deny her talent and power. Or that Harry Potter's popularity will fade over time...it isn't going anywhere!
I really am glad that Harry Potter has had such staying power (I seriously can't believe it's been over 21 years since the first movie!) and it hasn't faded away like so many other trendy things.
It could have easily been culturally left behind like The Matrix, Jurassic Park, Pirates of the Caribbean, Shrek, and so on. Remembered fondly, but not talked about much, and maybe given a lame sequel that's nothing like the originals (well ok, there was Cursed Child, but at least it wasn't made into a movie).
If anyone deserves this kind of lasting success, it's J.K. Rowling.
By the way I'm pleased to see that Suzanne Collins is seeing a bit of that success with The Hunger Games, she wrote a fourth book that sold well and is being made into a movie, and I've seen teenagers reading the original books recently.
It's laughable when those who hate her try to deny her talent and power. Or that Harry Potter's popularity will fade over time...it isn't going anywhere!
it's especially funny just how dishonest people are about the popularity of hp. they claim stuff like "whatever, her books and her writing are shit anyways!!!" while shaking and seething, as if they weren't the ones who had their hogwarts house in their social media bios for years. the same people also always try to shill percy jackson as an alternative - so you admit it? not liking hp anymore leaves a void in your heart that needs to be filled with something else? even though it's sooo bad and unnecessary and you tooootally never liked it anyways because it's so bad?
i love when i talk to people irl who don't give a shit about what supposed bad stuff jkr says. they say stuff like "i just don't get how people can hate it!" and i'm like me too, girl, me too.
I liked the Percy Jackson books a lot! But the writing in that is on par with Harry Potter. Most writers are not Virginia Woolf, John Steinbeck or Wilma Cather and that is ok! JK Rowling is obviously a very talented writer...the fact that people love her books prove it. One of my huge pet peeves are this popular band/writer/actor/musician has no talent and their popularity proves people are stupid!
There are better writers, but there are few people better at the actual business of writing. That is what has made her such a success. Right from the start, she retained control of her intellectual property. That's difficult for a first timer to do; it requires real confidence to hold a negotiating position with a publisher when it's your first sale, there's a lot of bad advice from unqualified people out there, and people who'll put their interests over yours. She knows how to pick the people who'll work for her. She is ready to protect her interests; she has lawyers and she is ready to use them to protect her IP or her reputation, but not frivolously. I bet her first tweets on women's rights were vetted--and they show her political nous. She is very good at publicity, at putting out press-releases at just the right time to boost attention, and at using social media. If she were to announce her retirement from writing tomorrow, I bet she'd have corporate recruiters queued around the block, and not just for her name.
I have to say I am underwhelmed at the sorts of writers that people who talk about writing claim are "better" than JK Rowling. If you can't engage me, I don't care what technical skill people think you have. And I realize that to some extent that's a personal thing: different people will be engaged by different topics, writing styles, etc. But I've also tried books that I ended up putting down and quitting because the writer was so far up his own ass I couldn't even tell what he was doing, or his language usage was terrible, or his ability to structure a story sucked, or whatever. Even George R. R. Martin -- and Goddess knows that man's got volumes, not just issues -- though I love his Westeros books, really needed a better editor. I don't mean book length, I mean elementary issues like typos and incorrect use of semicolons.
JKR's all right though. If I'm not constantly mentally snagging on errors or losing interest, that's enough for me.
Engaging style is more than half the battle. The next is an interesting story and last is technical writing skills. HP has all 3, but for example I would say Tamora Pierce had less technical writing skills especially in her earlier work (but I still love it). In general a lot of Juvi writers have sloppier technical writing skills, although that has changed a lot since JKR published.
I once tried reading War and Peace! It was literally one of the most boring things I ever read. I am sure are people that genuinely enjoy it, and more power to them! You are supposed to read because you like the book...not to appear smart.
Classic novels like war and peace require content imo. We’re far past the social conventions these types of books were published in and we can’t just pick them up and understand them easily. The same is true for Jane Austen and I adore Jane Austen.
Harry Potter forever! If in 300 years someone makes a futuristic HP reboot series, I'll rise from the grave and binge watch it.
Even on my extremely liberal arts campus I am an open supporter of JKRs views as well as the entire Harry Potter franchise. My only tattoo is the Deathly Hallows symbol, I wear a lot of the merch from the feminist companies JK promotes on Twitter, and I read the entire series at least twice a year. I’ve been approached with the whole “You know that’s a dog whistle right?” bs and I always tell them I don’t care.
I really loved the Harry Potter books too. They are too books, to what Star Wars was to movies, and Star Trek was to TV. They are all super engaging stories, that are written by people that love what they are writing.
It is fine to not enjoy Harry Potter, but people that make their whole identity hating it and trying to prove she is a crappy writer are just weird. If you don't like them don't read them and promote writers you DO like without tearing down writers you don't.
Love her or hate her, you can't deny that her series is wildly successful