Historical FictionThe Invincible Miss Cust by Penny Haw
Posted July 25, 2023 by [Deleted] in Books

I'm currently halfway through this book and I've been enjoying it. I discovered it in a summer reading program at my local library, since it was one of several books which members can choose from as a prize for earning 1000+ points (earned by reading books; honor system is used).

This is a historical fiction book about the first female veterinary surgeon in Britain. It is written in the first person perspective of the main character and it probably fits closest to first wave feminism (voting, education) with some second wave feminism (jobs) in the views that many of the likable characters express and there are certainly very antifeminist views (anti women's education, anti women working in male-dominated fields, anti-suffragette) that are expressed by the antagonists of this novel.

Has anyone else read this book yet? What are your thoughts?

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