FrankieDuckOctober 14, 2023

I encountered her once. We exchange a few words and later I asked others who she was. She had seemed so natural and pleasant. Once I learned who she was I read her poems though I almost exclusively read prose. Wished I could have talked to her longer.

jeannedarcOctober 14, 2023

Aw, thank you for sharing. I'm new to her work and, I kid you not, was just looking at a collection of her poems in a bookstore earlier today. I decided I would purchase it another time, but now that might be tomorrow.

firebird [OP]October 14, 2023

I only just heard the news, and thought maybe some others hear enjoy her work and would like to know. The Wild Iris is one of my favourite collections of poetry. I think I'll be rereading it as a way to commemorate.

camino_medioOctober 14, 2023

Thank you for posting this. I stumbled upon her poetry just this year and, having experienced several losses, appreciated the approach to mortality in her work.

I'm sorry to hear of her passing. Rereading The Wild Iris is a great idea :)