Books by WomenEve: How the Female Body Drove 200 Years of Evolution
Posted February 10, 2024 by Mobymaybe in Books

I was really enjoying this book by Cat Bohannon until I came to page 53. The chapter leading up to that was about the relationship of breast milk and infant biology. The book combines science and evolutionary theory to better understand the female body. The author then switches language and states that transwomen can also produce breastmilk if given hormones. She also stops using the world women and says XX people. How can a book that came about because the female author was frustrated with the male biases in science that undervalued and incorrectly at times presented women’s bodies in science feel the need to pander to trans ideology. It’s like incorporating christianity into a book about birth and stating some women gives birth via immaculate conception . I stopped reading and I’m disappointed that this woman with a PhD from Columbia discredited herself.

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