I read this book, published in 2019, on the recommendation of two lesbian friends who said I should read it because it, like the book I wrote, tells the story of a group of lesbians who try to establish a tiny lesbian haven in the 1980s.
I too recommend it. Many of Ovarit’s lesbians have told us that they long for what I was part of in my 20s, havens that other women had created for me, havens that I then worked to sustain.
I recommend Cantoras because it is the story of how a group of women created a haven while living in an authoritarian dictatorship. If they did it, it can be done again.
Unfortunately, the author is now a “they.” (Fuck this religion that took over my sisters’ minds.) The book itself isn’t tainted by trans ideology, except for a brief section of the usual lies about the Stonewall riot of 1969.
So fucking sad and disappointing. The author changed her name to "Caro" and is pretending she isn't a woman.
Yes. The book is great though, which is the point of my post.