I was delighted to learn yesterday that The Holy Book of Women's Mysteries (by Dianic Foremother, Z. Budapest), is out with a new (final?) edition. It's available on Amazon and Lulu, in hard copy, for $45.00. Yes, a little pricey, but it apparently has some new material and better images. I ordered mine yesterday. While Amazon doesn't have a Kindle version, Lulu has an e-book version for about ten dollars.
And...Ariadne's Thread, by the late Shekhinah Mountainwater, is also now in print again, and available on Kindle, too.
And of course, Ovarit has a lively discussion going on about Ruth Barrett's book, Women's Rites, Women's Mysteries! That's also available in hard copy and Kindle. I have the Kindle edition because I love to highlight.
If there are any other recommendations for Dianic books, feel free to post them below, and where they can be purchased or found. I think it's important to have a good resource library of these important women authors who have contributed so much to us.
Something that kills me is that Laura Perry's books on Minoan religion aren't Dianic, or even female centric. She bends over backwards to accommodate both the trans cult and the "sex work is work" cult, even though there is no archaeological evidence whatsoever of trans people in ancient Crete or prostitution in their temples. Most of her posts mention trans stuff as if it's a requirement or something. She and her work are a huge disappointment because of this.
Oh wow, thanks for the warning...I had considered reading that at one point but never got around to it.
The Great Cosmic Mother Monica Sjöö and Barbara Mohr When God Was a Woman Merlin Stone The Chalice and the Blade Riane Ensler The Language of the Goddess & The Living Goddess Marja Gimbutas
One of my high school teachers put the chalice and the blade on a reading list for class. It profoundly changed my world view at 16.
Thanks for this information! I had purchased some of Z's books in Jan 2022, and it looks like this reprint happened in Aug 2022, so I missed it by a few months. If you hadn't posted this, I probably wouldn't have known that there was now a reprint available, of this book that I am most excited to read. Thanks again!
Glad to hear it...I almost bought an older copy myself, and stumbled on the new version almost by accident! I think it's because the new version has a slightly different title, that it's more of a challenge to find.