Welcome back Ovarit, to Feminist or Not! Each week we'll be looking at a book on GoodReads' "feminism" shelf, and answer a simple question: Is the book actually feminist or pretending to be feminist?
This week we'll be looking at Women & Power: A Manifesto by Mary Beard.
Some rules before we begin:
Feminist or Not will only occur within o/Books, even if the book would be a better fit in o/FeministBooks. This is because a fair amount of the books we will cover do not belong in o/FeministBooks, and it is better to keep this discussion in one circle, rather than going back and forth.
Only books published from 2015 onward will be covered. This is because the TRA nonsense that mucks up the Feminism shelf on GoodReads did not really emerge until the mid 2010's. I'm sure we can all agree that Virginia Woolf wouldn't give in to the TRAs, for example. ;P
While discussing the author outside of the context of the book is allowed (and in some cases required), I encourage discussion to be focused on the book itself. This is because some authors make repeat appearances, and I wouldn't want discussions to plateau just because all the talking points were established!
While I might reply to a comment, I will refrain from participating directly to the conversation. This is because I want to avoid any bias.
This section will be copy-and-pasted every Sunday.
So Ovarit, is Women & Power Feminist or Not?