Recommendation RequestNon-problematic romance book recs
Posted October 14, 2024 by nomenarewomen in Books

I enjoy reading romance books and I do like a fair bit of explicit sex in them. However, I always find there’s at least some problematic stuff in them that I find myself trying to not let ruin the overall book. So basically, are there any romance books with genuinely healthy relationships (I prefer heterosexual and monogamous) with enjoyable, loving and fully consenting sex scenes in?


Dearly_HermioneOctober 15, 2024

A League of Extraordinary Women Series by Evie Dunmore. Each book follows a friend from a group of Suffragettes. Obviously the history and context means that their is some problematic stuff that they face as woman, but it's self aware and I really enjoyed learning more about that time period. And well, the smut was also good haha. But I really loved the girls friendship and rooting for them fighting against the Patriarchy.

OxyToxinOctober 14, 2024

Romance.io could be helpful for you. It lets you filter out the content you want to avoid.

old_tomboyOctober 14, 2024

Im not a huge fan of romance but I ADORE the author Emily Henry.

She’s extremely witty and her main character is always in control.

Dearly_HermioneOctober 15, 2024

Will also chime in for Emily Henry. I like that there's more going on than just romance with the lead characters.

tamingthemindOctober 14, 2024

Came here to post Emily Henry!! Love her books. She made more interested in romance as a genre - I had never even considered it before.

nomenarewomen [OP]October 14, 2024

Thank you everyone!

UnderstandersonOctober 14, 2024

Tammara Webber! Her books aren't super explicit but very steamy, and the stories and characters are well written.

FeminaOctober 15, 2024

Umm... What kind of content would you consider problematic? I take it that you are referring to things like rape and abuse and stuff?

nomenarewomen [OP]October 15, 2024

I was referring to the problematic things that come up in romance books where the relationship is intended to be loving by the author, but where the author is eroticising unhealthy power or relationship dynamics or is pushing sex or intimacy acts that seem an attempt to ‘spice things up’ but are usually just (in my view) degrading to the woman and can be questionable in their consent.

LadylucyOctober 14, 2024

Sarah Maclean always has strong women who aren’t necessarily virgins. Pretty sexy.

tamingthemindOctober 14, 2024

Part of Your World by Abby Jimenez was great! There is a small subplot with DV though, but no direct scenes of that.

It's a great take on city girl and country guy.

[Deleted]October 14, 2024