I've been really enjoying a certain romantasy series but in the acknowledgements of the last book I noticed the author was suddenly being all thanking LGBT people for educating her. The books already had lots of gay and lesbian representation. Sadly, we've just been introduced to a character who had 'been born with a female spirit and a male body'. Initially the character is described as a small pump woman but then it says she has stubble on her face and needs a shave (she's just been rescued from a dangerous situation and is wounded yet apparently it's totally normal to first want a shave). It's just so frustrating. There's been a fair bit of wokeness in this series in other areas, and there has been an introduction of a new character POV of a gay couple and it reads like gay fanfic written by females – I can deal with that stuff, but the trans stuff just really spoils things. I'm going to try and just pretend the character is a normal female, but eugh it's just so annoying and so handmaideny of the author. What's most frustrating is the description of them being 'born with a female spirit and a male body' – it's such a nonsensical statement. Like, we are literally our bodies. We only 'feel like' females because we ARE females and that femaleness means we experience different biological processes and programming than men, as well as the socialisation piece. Yes, this is a fantasy book, but we know it's based on TRA crap. At least it demonstrates that to believe in 'trans' you have to believe in the religion of trans, i.e. gendered souls. Sorry for the rant. I've just been going through a difficult time and my reading had been my escape. Hopefully the trans stuff plays a minor role and doesn't escalate and I can still enjoy the main story. Dreading if non binary makes an appearance or any libfemmy sex rubbish (there's already been a few things where I've winced).