If anyone is interested in book clubs in the future once this site is no longer available, I can try to organize some via my new blog on tumblr. please PM me for my url and/or send me your url if you have a gc/radfem blog there already. It's going to be a general gc/radfem blog, but I could do book clubs if there's interest.
the book selections will be things I'm interested in reading that have some kind of feminist angle or seem suitable to discuss from a feminist lens. books relating to gender critical topics are relevant too.
I am not limiting it to exclusively books that are overtly feminist, like classic second wave feminist books. Books may be fiction or nonfiction.
Examples of fiction books I arranged book clubs for on here:
I did not arrange a book club for this one because I already had read it, but The Handmaid's Tale would also fit under the types of books I might do a book club for.
I didn't get to arranging a book club for this one yet, but here's a nonfiction book I'm interested in reading and discussing - The Abandoners: On Mothers and Monsters, which is about mothers who abandon their children.
I'll take suggestions for books to read and discuss, but no guarantees that I can organize a book club for every book that someone suggests.