Superscripts work differently on different pages
Posted January 15, 2024 by Lipsy in Bugs

Hi there wonderful Mods/Admins.

I post on a couple other message boards that use Markdown besides this one. On those boards, I can use a single caret ^ before a string of text to render it as superscript (up until the next space or carriage return).

What's weird here is, this formatting works on some Ovarit pages, but not on others—for the same post!

In particular:

• This formatting DOES work to produce superscript text in my notifications list, where my replied-to posts are reproduced above the replies. See highlight.

• It doesn't work on the main thread page—the highlighted parts show exactly what I typed into the box, with the caret itself, instead of superscripting the [§] symbol.

• It doesn't work on "direct link"s / post permalinks either. Exact same non-result as above.

In the second and third situations, I have to put a second caret AFTER the text I want to superscript, like ^[§]^ instead of just ^[§], for the superscript to render correctly. This is what I'm calling a bug, because superscript doesn't work like this on any other Markdown site that I've seen.

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