[July 2023] Award-Winning Polish Musician Ewa Justka Removed From Performances, Teaching Contract After Criticizing Gender Ideology
Posted October 10, 2023 by old_but_gold in Cancelled

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Excerpts from Reduxx. (This is not a copy/paste of the whole article, there is more there to click through to.)

EXCLUSIVE: Award-Winning Polish Musician Removed From Performances, Teaching Contract After Criticizing Gender Ideology

Justka’s ordeal began on July 1, when she posted on her Instagram in support of Harry Potter creator JK Rowling and professor Kathleen Stock. Justka uploaded multiple screenshots, including one with the definition of “lesbian” as a “female homosexual,” and another of a Telegraph article which denounced the term “TERF” as “the ultimate slur against women.”

Following her post on Instagram, Justka received hate mail in her direct messages and emails, angry comments on her post, a removal from a pending compilation album, and the cancellation of workshops and gigs.

One of her shows, which had been arranged at The Old Hairdressers in Glasgow, was cancelled, and Justka began to receive intense online and in-person harassment from local musicians. One local establishment, Stereo, even refused her service due to allegedly making patrons “feel unsafe” because of her views.

One of the hateful messages Justka received included a threat from music journalist Peter Kirn who stated “…tell you what, Ewa- we’ll beat you. I’ll do my best to absolutely makes sure no one works with you. So you want to see the power of this patriarchal system you’re so upset about? Watch me.

Following the months-long ordeal, Justka continued to lose work, including a provisional arrangement to lecture for the London College of Communication at the University of the Arts in London. She has since moved to Italy in order “to escape” the situation.

While continuing her work in solitude, Justka has created an album in response to her cancellation and started a women-only project to encourage female musicians to create and build their own electronic synthesizers.

Calling gender ideology “extremely dangerous,” Justka notes that the language employed by trans activists often dehumanizes women and erodes women-only spaces.

“This all damages women’s rights so many feminists fought for. The art scene that celebrates this ideology is, in my view, extremely hypocritical and I could not subscribe to their agenda anymore.”

Justka notes that her expulsion from the Oram Awards was the most hurtful incident in her ordeal.

“The Oram Awards claims to be a ‘women-supporting foundation,’ yet it clearly does not stand for women since, in their view, men can be women and they’ll drop a female artist in a whim if she dares to question gender ideology,” she says. “I moved to the UK from Poland as I believed I would be valued according to my work, knowledge, and capabilities. Clearly, I was wrong – it’s unfortunate, but in UK, if you’re a female artist and don’t subscribe to gender ideology, you will be cancelled, and your work opportunities will be taken away. It’s very clear to me, that this is vindictive, Stasi-like discrimination of women and girls and we must speak out against it and stand for women’s rights.”

JK Rowling has recently tweeted about this:

I'd say 'unbelievable', but I know too many men in the arts like @ peterkirn to be under any illusion. Men like this are thrilled to have found an excuse to bully non-compliant women, delighting in threats of professional retribution. That said, this guy really took off the mask.

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JoediFebruary 28, 2024

Such a good book too. It was my introduction into the mad world of transgenderism and it really opened my eyes to the harm it was doing.

Killer_DanishDecember 6, 2023

The land of cartoon child pornography wants to say something about harm?

pennygadgetDecember 6, 2023

"Uh, ACTUALLY, Miyumi is a 500 year old vampire! She just LOOKS like a 5 year old!!"

kassandraDecember 6, 2023

do we need any more proof that this is a MRA movement? XD

ProfTerfMomDecember 6, 2023

"Since we can't refute the author's findings and conclusions without resorting to circular reasoning and logical fallacies, we'll just silence her. Problem solved." Rinse and repeat. Ugh.

gentooDecember 6, 2023

I saw some of the Twitter usual suspects starting a fuss about this earlier this week - extremely disappointed to hear that they capitulated to pressure that largely seemed non-Japanese and extremely online in origin.

mugi_chaDecember 6, 2023

I shouldn't feel so disappointed in Japan, but since Japan is still patriarchal, it doesn't surprise me.

istaraDecember 6, 2023

I do wonder what the impact of the plummeting birthrate timebomb is going to be. The same with South Korea. Both countries are also extremely resistant to migration.

BansheeDecember 7, 2023

Well, misogyny is still quite rampant in Japan, so they probably just needed any excuse to limit the spreading of the knowledge about women's oppression.

zuubatDecember 7, 2023

The first person murdered by those pushing the 1989 fatwa against Salman Rushdie was a man named Hitoshi Igarashi.

He had been hired to translate Rushdie's Satanic Verses into Japanese.

FeminaJanuary 7, 2024


NovemberinthechairDecember 7, 2023

But Japan keeps Tick Tacky under a tight leash. Are they expecting head pats from WEY or gaslighting western countries.

syntaxerrorDecember 7, 2023(Edited December 7, 2023)

This is surprising to me. Japan is pretty “behind” on LGBTQ issues, being the only G7 country to not have legalized gay marriage, among other things.

Although, come to think of it, when it comes to porn, feminization, and things like pedophilia Japan has always had a looser grip on things like that… so I imagine that trans porn and the like can get a grip there in a way that TRAs can’t, at least not publicly. I mean it’s the birthplace of the “futanari” porn. Still Japan is kind of well known for not “catering” to western tastes and ideals, so I’m still surprised.

The insane power of the crazies on Twitter continues.

ETA: Japan also seems to have more of an emphasis on company reputation from what I understand, so I guess it’s not that surprisingly a publisher wouldn’t want to associate with a controversial book, regardless of the topic. Still infuriating

pennygadgetDecember 6, 2023

Considering what happened to the Japanese translator of The Satanic Verses, this isn't surprising. They have genuine reason to fear that a TIM might harm any Japanese people who work on localizing that book

AlaliesDecember 6, 2023(Edited December 7, 2023)

If they caved due to pressure, we need to put the pressure back on to publish. They think they’re doing what the public wants, but when they’re actually capitulating to an extremist minority. Anyone here speak Japanese that can email them? Or know people who speak Japanese?

syntaxerrorDecember 7, 2023(Edited December 7, 2023)

You can write an email in English and then run it through DeepL, it’s probably sufficient.

Edit: if you actually do this, be very careful with your wording, and very gentle