The group Brighton Skeptics in the Pub has canceled a talk by Helen Lewis and Helen Barnes that was scheduled for January 2024 “after an LGBTQ+ group threatened the organisers with a boycott”.
This circle is to catalog the attempts (generally by those in some position of power) to silence those who speak out against the TRA/gendercult. The main focus is women who are hounded by the TRAS, and also to note the propaganda and institutional capture by the cultists.
"A valued person lives in a society in which her story has a place. Violence against women is often against our voices and our stories. It is a refusal of our voices, and of what a voice means: the right to self-determination, to participation, to consent or dissent; to live and participate, to interpret and narrate."
“Having a voice is crucial. It’s not all there is to human rights, but it’s central to them, and so you can consider the history of women’s rights and lack of rights as a history of silence and breaking silence"
Rebecca Solnit
Good articles on propaganda, thought control, totalitarian regimes