The audacity of young people never ceases to amaze me. Your brain isn't even fully developed, you have no life experience, and yet here you are, ruining someone's life because she doesn't think like you.
"She said, in her position as Director of the Diversity and Inclusion Task Force within the Department of Human Evolutionary Biology, that Hooven's opposition to terms such as 'pregnant people' was 'dangerous.' "
You need to fucking stop with this "words are dangerous" bullshit. THAT is what is dangerous. Declaring words "dangerous" is literally what they did in Nineteen Eighty Four!
"'Let’s be clear: if you respect diverse gender identities & aim to use correct pronouns, then you would know that people with diverse genders/sexes can be pregnant incl Trans men, intersex people & gender nonconforming people,' she said. "
Let's be clear - you're a smug little shit, and "gender identity" does not exist. I do not respect the stupid fiction created by stupid people.
"'Inclusive language like “pregnant people” demonstrates respect for EVERYONE who has the ability to get pregnant, not just cis women."
No. "Pregnant people" is not "inclusive", nor is it respectful. It is exclusive and disrespectful to women.
"Lewis' attack on Hooven sparked a wave of backlash online, with many coming out in support of the biological researcher and mocking Lewis' position."
Excellent. All DEI coordinators should be mocked mercilessly.
"Hooven said her department's DEI Task Force quickly had the ability to run departmental meetings, launch subcommittees into how to 'de-colonize' professors' syllabi, and make hiring decisions."
I love the "decolonize" bullshit because 1) you know it's all White people doing it, and 2) it really shows how racist they are, because it works on the assumption that universities outside the Anglosphere operate in completely different ways, which isn't true at all. My favorite is "decolonize math" because it would blow their small fucking minds if they realized mathematics go back to Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt, two civilizations very much not White, Western, or European. The Hindu-Arabic numerical system, which everyone around the globe uses today, began in India and was spread by Arabs through their colonization the Middle East, North Africa, and what we now know as Spain. But oh, that's not what they mean when they say "decolonize".
"'A lot of the norms of discourse changed because of DEI influence,' she said."
Yes, and not for the better. DEI has made things considerably worse, and that's why I don't support it.
"It was very influential, and I know for a fact that faculty were nervous about p*****g off the people on the DEI task force,"
I know this feeling all too well. Fortunately, our DEI committee is small and doesn't have as much influence as they would like, but I keep getting asked to join it, and have to think of polite ways to say no, lest I suffer for my non-compliance.
"'I think that (Lewis) knew that she could get away with what she did get away with,' because of DEI practices, Hooven added."
Oh, this is also why I hate DEI. They preach "diversity", "equity" and "inclusion", but treat anyone, especially a woman, who doesn't think exactly like them like dirt beneath their designer shoes. "Diversity" means "people of all backgrounds who think like me". "Equity" means "I play favorites". "Inclusion" means "whoever I personally believe belongs". DEI is a scam.
"'I had expected that they would (support me),' she concluded. 'But nobody knew what to do.'"
I'm sorry, but you made the wrong assumption. A university is a business. They support their bottom line - money. Nothing more, nothing less.
"'I did think that if I go on Fox News and say there are two genders, then someone might have an issue with that, but I just thought 'well, I'm not transphobic so it doesn't matter if they say that because everyone knows that I'm not''."
Oh, you sweet summer child.
"The lecturer said she believes this came down to a statement from the Harvard student union, that her 'actions had caused (Lewis) to suffer racist abuse.' "
OK, even if Hooven did start a shitstorm on Twitter (she didn't), how exactly is it her fault that strangers online threw racist slurs at the smug DEI student?
"'There was no evidence provided, and I looked for it, of any racist abuse on Twitter (related to the tweet),' she said. 'But that was the narrative, that's all you need is just the appearance of something, a narrative.'"
Behold. Modern day "progressivism" in a nutshell.
Students at prestigious schools like Harvard live in a VERY tight bubble. They have been coddled their entire lives, and current teaching trends which emphasize subjective truths makes them think they know everything.
Of course it’s a woman whose career is ruined for stating scientific fact (“there are only two sexes”). You can bet your ass if Hooven was male this wouldn’t have happened.
Strange how these TRAs always know what a woman is when they need to abuse and harass one, isn’t it?
A former Harvard lecturer and biological researcher who saw her career crumble after insisting that there are only two genders
Bugs the shit out of me how outlets like the Daily Mail use the word "gender." I guarantee you Carol Hooven has never uttered the phrase "there are only two genders." She would say sex, and that there are two sexes, because she's a fucking evolutionary biologist.
These right wing rags make gender people critical look like idiots sometimes.
I watched Barbarella last weekend, and, in it, the sexes are referred to as "genders". If a weird sex romp directed by a male chauvinist was scared of the word "sex" 56 years ago, then I think we need to accept that, to most people, "gender" is a polite synonym for "sex".
Be that as it may, can you imagine Carole Hooven saying "There are only two genders"?
Yeah, I was confused by that too, because the headline says "sexes".
I've notice right wingers really latching on to the whole "only two genders" thing lately. Its so stupid, but hey, at least it lets us see clearly the line between the gender critical feminists and the regressive right. The latter are claiming "only two genders" but you would never read that in Reduxx, Unherd, or Quillette.
Daily Mail has always been a right wing publication. Its just unfortunate we can't get certain news elsewhere these days.
The Mayans also developed complex maths. They counted in base 20 and were very good at astronomy. They had the concept of zero as a number, which the Romans didn't.
South American, also not white. Claiming that advanced maths is a "white man thing" is extremely racist.
Yeah, I had a colleague try to sniff out feminist "dirt" on me and since then have learned to clam up hard in public to keep myself financially solvent. I feel for this poor scientist.
I've tried to get around the repression by posting online, but the canceling happens even anonymously - I was banned from a forum that kisses tranny butt, for example. Really, apart from Ovarit I have no place for healing or a way to express myself.
They confuse the words sex & gender. How can you deny that there are 2 sexes (2 types of gametes) in fact? You can't. But by overlaying & prioritizing gender identity, you can muddy what is said. That is how they are trying to redefine the words woman/man-by declaring them gender based instead of sex based. We must stop using the word gender instead of sex. There are biologically only 2 mammalian (& other species) SEXES. Pregnant people are FEMALE.
Lisa Simone Lewis is yet another Serena Joy at an elite university. One where she wouldn't have been allowed to attend before suffragists and feminists fought for her right to go.
What pisses me off is that by her primate research, she knows fucking well that this gender crap is entirely made up by humans. The idea of gender souls is preposterous and incoherent. Honestly, there's a legit, consistent, coherent argument for intelligent design, prime mover, or god, that may not be provable, but isn't complete gibberish like gender identity.
It's rare that I wish ill on anyone. But I actually DO hope that one day, Laura Simone Lewis will be wrongly dragged through the mud and have her career ruined. I hope it happens to her.
She absolutely deserves it, first of all, and it would hopefully trigger some growth in her character.
Is this Carole Hooven, the author of “T, The Story of Testosterone, the Hormone that Dominates and Divides Us”? I think this is deeper than just because of an interview.
It’s an excellent book if you’re interested.
Imagine firing a scientist for saying that there are two sexes. What kind of education are kids getting these days.