I work in philanthropy and am on an action team for DEI (big mistake). I was cancelled for pushing back on the decision to erase reference to “women and girls” in our strategy and instead say “people who experience violence” w a footnote that calls out TIMs as especially susceptible to “identity” based violence.
Turns out my fear of speaking out was well founded. It looks like I’m getting fired as a result. But get this, this issue isn’t my alleged discrimination against TIMs but my “white supremacism”. You can’t walk back from being branded a white supremacist at work. My career is tanked. I’m a single mom. My child is young. My org has hundreds of millions. I was bankrupted fighting for custody.
Im scared and need legal support.
Anyone know of any radfem lawyers that might fit the bill in the US? I’ll PM my state but don’t want to get specific here.