WatcherattheGatesSeptember 26, 2022

There cannot be justice in the society unless there is intimate justice for women. There cannot be security in the society unless there is security for women in their own homes. There cannot be integrity in the land if there is no sexual integrity towards women.

m0RT_1September 27, 2022

The outright misery and damage to human relationships from this porn-soaked world is horrifying.“Pornography has become almost invisible by virtue of its very ubiquity. It seeps into our lives, identities, and relationships. We are so steeped in the pornographic mindset that it is difficult to imagine what a world without porn would look like.”

I'm glad they chose the title "He chose Porn over Me" because that is precisely what is happening. Individual men, the media, tech companies, and governments ALL have decided the degradation of women & respectful relationships is OK. So OK that they turned it into an industry worth billions and slap each other on the back on how good a job they have done.

As Germaine Greer said - Women have very little idea of how much men hate them.

[Deleted]September 26, 2022