A scan of this book used to be maintained on Gitbook by anarchivists, but appears to have been taken down. The latest version I could find is available (as .epub):
There is a note from the epub editor that I did not see included in other anarchivist .pdf versions:
Spellcheck found a few hundred errors, including formatting. Duplicate image (183) corrected.
If you dislike or cannot open .epub files, Calibre is a free and open-source software that can be used to convert to 99% of file types someone would be looking for. It is available for Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android and iOS.
This is a circle to discuss and share feminist books. Share about your favorites, ask for recommendations, report on what you're reading, or start any other conversations about feminist books.
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Please don't post links to stores. Posting a link to the book's page on GoodReads is an alternative. All links with referral IDs that could be advertiser referral IDs will be removed.
A scan of this book used to be maintained on Gitbook by anarchivists, but appears to have been taken down. The latest version I could find is available (as .epub):
here - libgen
here - libgen
here - zlibrary
There is a note from the epub editor that I did not see included in other anarchivist .pdf versions:
If you dislike or cannot open .epub files, Calibre is a free and open-source software that can be used to convert to 99% of file types someone would be looking for. It is available for Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android and iOS.