DiscussionHow To Suppress Women's Writing...
Posted September 17, 2023 by Femina in FeministBooks


ThelnebriatiSeptember 18, 2023

nimbly drawing disparate sources into an outline of the ways the literary establishment has rejected a canon of women's writing. (They include She didn't write it; she did but she shouldn't have; and she is not really she [an artist] and it is not really it [serious, of the right genre, aesthetically sound, important,etc.] so how could "she" have written "it"?)

How to Suppress Women's Writing by Joanna Russ, Jessa Crispin

HessaHeinSeptember 18, 2023

A bit ironic for NPR to have an article on this, but thanks!

Femina [OP]September 18, 2023

Ironic? Why so?

[Deleted]September 18, 2023
[Deleted]September 18, 2023

Can someone translate this sentence for me?

(It's one of the ways the book shows its age; another is the way any genderqueerness is reduced to sexual preferences, which amid so much far-seeing commentary feels quaintly second-wave.)

scriptcroneSeptember 19, 2023(Edited September 19, 2023)

Translation: "Pat, pat, poor dears, so passé."

Maybe this is the new mode, since radical feminism has refused to capitulate to threats, vitriol, and demonization? To be portrayed as the doddery spinster aunts who are no longer quite all there?

And she needs to read the book again, because "genderqueerness" has given us a whole new set of "She wrote it, but ..."

  • She wrote it, but ... she has identified out of womanhood.
  • She wrote it, but ... she liked a JKR tweet and nobody will publish it.
  • She wrote it, but ... it's feminist and buried under one star reviews.
  • She wrote it, but ... by the time the editors and sensitivity readers got through with it, it's no longer her book.
  • She wrote it, but ... the woke editorial juniors in the office kicked up such a stink about it, it may never be published.