A book worth looking into! : https://www.npr.org/2018/04/21/600902444/how-to-suppress-womens-writing-three-decades-old-and-still-sadly-relevant
Can someone translate this sentence for me?
(It's one of the ways the book shows its age; another is the way any genderqueerness is reduced to sexual preferences, which amid so much far-seeing commentary feels quaintly second-wave.)
Translation: "Pat, pat, poor dears, so passé."
Maybe this is the new mode, since radical feminism has refused to capitulate to threats, vitriol, and demonization? To be portrayed as the doddery spinster aunts who are no longer quite all there?
And she needs to read the book again, because "genderqueerness" has given us a whole new set of "She wrote it, but ..."
How to Suppress Women's Writing by Joanna Russ, Jessa Crispin