DiscussionTrans widow biographies/memoirs to recommend?
Posted November 16, 2023 by Understanderson in FeministBooks

I just finished Shannon Thrace's "18 Months." It took me a while to get it because the first time I ordered it, Amazon canceled my order with the mysterious note, "Could not be shipped." The only other book this has happened to me with was Helen Joyce's "Trans." I've heard of similar Amazon oopses from a friend who has ordered GC books from there. Anyone else have this experience?

Anyway, "18 Months" is great. Highly recommend. Maybe this is bias confirmation, but it supports 100% why I don't believe men can become women (if the simple biological fact weren't enough, which it is for me). Very few of them even approach a real understanding of women and what our internal or even external lives are like. And their "lady selves" use us and take from us the same way their man selves always have in order to build up and puff life into their empty, narcissistic fantasies. They're not even trying to become women. They're trying to become a man's idea of a woman.

This is the second trans widow memoir I've read this year, the other being Christine Benvenuto's "Sex Changes." Her ex-husband has also written a memoir about his gender journey I was considering reading too, but haven't gotten around to it. I would be reading it to be fair, but I'm not really interested. How much brain space do you have to give to a bad idea before you discard it?

Anyway--anyone have other trans widow biographies to recommend?

I'm very interested in these stories right now because they illuminate better than anything how bad AGP is for women and kids. It makes no sense that we are supposed to treat this any differently than Dad deciding his is Jesus and demanding everyone go along with it. Actually, it's worse--at least there's the bare possibility of someone casting aside earthly things and serving his neighbors if he thinks he's Jesus. All an AGP is going to do is laser focus on his appearance and his sexual fetish to the exclusion of all else.


realityismykinkNovember 16, 2023

This is an anthology of different women's stories, not a memoir, but it's a quick read and I recommend it every time this subject comes up: You Told Me You Were Different: An Anthology of Harm

The stories are revealing about the madness of "queer" culture as well as AGP.

yaelNovember 17, 2023

The introduction to this alone is the most cathartic thing I've read in years. Thank you for recommending it.

Understanderson [OP]November 17, 2023

I hadn't heard of this--thanks!

WrennNovember 16, 2023

I would be reading it to be fair, but I'm not really interested. How much brain space do you have to give to a bad idea before you discard it?

It does seem that this would be fair, and a genuine person (you) would assume you were getting a genuine account from it. However, that couldn’t be further from reality. There is no need to read a narcissist’s account of their own story - it will only be exactly what he wants you to think of him, which is always the opposite of the truth.

I’m a (non-agp) sex and porn addict widow, but they’re all the same underneath the paraphilias really. And at the very bottom - the base of the pyramid of destruction they create throughout their lives - they are liars.

Understanderson [OP]November 17, 2023

Yes--it is interesting how it always plays out the same way when a man wants something in that scorched-earth, heedless, headlong way. Trans is the only place I've seen young women play out this pattern. The "greater good" civil rights narrative helps them keep their eye on the prize, no matter who they hurt. Men will use that as a battering ram with women, but they don't need it to convince them to be cold to their loved ones. The mere fact that they want the thing, whatever it is, is enough to allow them to exact any price from their loved ones and dependents.

I am sorry you went through that with your husband!

syntaxerrorNovember 17, 2023

I mean it wouldn’t surprise me at all if some random Amazon worker who fancies themselves to be an activist just cancels orders for GC books out of pettiness the first time just to make it that much more annoying to get it. I’m not sure if it’s some big Amazon conspiracy or just singular employees doing that kind of thing, but I have no problem believing that it happens

Understanderson [OP]November 17, 2023(Edited November 17, 2023)

I think you're right that it's individuals and not a conspiracy. This movement has really figured out all the ways to maximize the power of the individual to push the narrative--it's fascinating. I used to say the surest way to freak out the powerful would be mobilize all the plebes they depend on to meet their needs every day (meaning the rest of us) to leave sticky notes in their homes, on their cars, etc. that say, "We're watching you." The trans lobby has actually managed to do something like this. They make you feel like they are everywhere. In reality, I don't think there are that many of them--not proportionate to the population as a whole anyway.

syntaxerrorNovember 17, 2023

Yeah I’m sure it’s your typical wannabe who feels a rush of adrenaline when they cancel an order and rush to tell their discord friends how they stopped malicious information from being spread, however briefly.

I doubt Amazon as a corporation cares enough to do any sort of activism like that when it doesn’t outwardly benefit them at all

AgronaNovember 16, 2023

The Cross Dressers Wife by Dee A Levy

In The Curated Woods by Ute Heggen

Found these on Trans Widows Voices website.

Understanderson [OP]November 17, 2023

Thank you! I will find both of these.

notapatsyNovember 17, 2023

TransWidows Voices also features the stories of trans widows (mine among them).

Understanderson [OP]November 17, 2023

Thank you--I read the stories there a while back--may be time to read them again. And thank you for sharing your story! That can't have been easy.

notapatsyNovember 17, 2023

Writing and sharing my story was part of my healing. I also share my store in the upcoming film on transwidows by Vaishnavi Sundar, "Behind the Looking Glass."

MizunaNovember 16, 2023

Anyone else have this experience?

It's been happening for years to conservative authors. Candace Owens once accused Amazon of defacing her book covers.


Understanderson [OP]November 17, 2023

Wow! In the past, given the source (NY Post), I would have taken this story with a grain of salt. One of the things I hate the most about the times we're in is that you have to look to papers like this for the only coverage of important stories the mainstream publications find distasteful, and the stories are, of course, written like propaganda pieces, because this is the NY Post (or the Daily Mail, etc. etc.) and propaganda is what they do. As Helen Joyce said, the biggest loss in all of this may be the public's loss of trust in institutions.

MizunaNovember 17, 2023

Are the "mainstream publications" genuinely any better? Serious question. It's not like they are covering the trans issue, for example, with any kind of balance. These "mainstream publications" are perfectly fine with children being mutilated by this cult, but, incredibly, they still expect us to believe that the NY Post and Daily Mail are the real bad guy "propagandists" here. The "mainstream publications" voluntarily threw out their credibility, they are actively harming people by encouraging the gender cult, and they do not deserve to be put on a pedestal above the outlets that actually dare to cover "taboo" topics.

Understanderson [OP]November 17, 2023

Well, that was my point...the mainstream publications are not trustworthy anymore. But at least they were at one time, to the extent human beings can really manage to report things without bias. NY Post and Daily Mail have never been trustworthy. Their purpose is generating clicks and stirring up outrage. Shit-stirring rags have a place in a healthy media culture--they used to spur the mainstream publications to cover stories they might have overlooked or considered distasteful (in this US, this was true with both the Satanic Panic and O.J. Simpson). But they can't carry the standard alone--it's not what they're for.