Hi everyone. I mentioned in the Chapter 2 discussion of Right-Wing Women that I was postponing the book club. I originally wrote I was going to postpone it until after the Why Does He Do That? book club ends, so Right-Wing Women would start up again on April 6th.
I'm sorry for the abrupt change in schedule. I don't like changing plans like this. The reason I decided to postpone the Right-Wing Women book club is because I was initially okay with having two book clubs running at the same time since there seemed to be a large interest in the RWW one. However, it looked like the participation was much lower than the initial interest. I think I was the only person to make a parent comment discussing chapter 1. And for chapter 2, I don't think anyone discussed the chapter contents itself (including myself, because I had gotten busy that week and forgot to account for when my life gets busy in my own feasibility of reading and discussing two books a week 🫠). I did say this would be read at your own pace, and it is, but I had assumed that there would be at least some discussion of the chapter every post. I figure if there's not going to be any chapter discussion each week right now, it'd be better to at least space out the posts. Otherwise it feels like I'm just making empty posts without purpose.
fofo did have some suggestions in the chapter 2 discussion about the timing of each post. She pointed out that Dworkin is an intense writer and that it takes time to process her works. I agree, the reason I haven't posted my chapter 2 discussion yet is because it takes me several days to read through the chapter, and then additional time to go back and write notes on my thoughts on the text.
So I am wondering if maybe instead of postponing the discussions until April 6th, and then doing them weekly again, if maybe we should change the post frequency to be longer between chapters?
One idea I had was doing them monthly, maybe like the first Sunday of each month? So chapter 3 would be on March 3rd. (Two book clubs would happen at once again for a bit, but at least there will be a lot of time between the RWW chapters to read it over a longer amount of time.)
I can't make polls in this circle, but if anyone who is interested in this book club wants to vote on one of these options in the comments that'd be cool:
I'd prefer it if the RWW book club was...
Postponed until April 6th and continued weekly.
Postponed until the beginning of March and continued monthly.
Other, comment to elaborate.
(There is also the option of not postponing the RWW book club, which then I can't really guarantee that I can post my discussion every week for it, so there might be empty posts made every week, based on current participation rates. I'm not sure why someone might want this, but this is indeed an option that can be stated and I don't mind if it is actually desired by most. 🤷♀️)
Please let me know your thoughts on the timing and frequency of the RWW book club posts. Thank you!