Recommendation RequestBooks on persuading people (to feminist/GC arguments), charisma, rhetoric etc
Posted October 26, 2024 by innermachinations in FeministBooks

I maybe plan on making gender crit videos, it’s been mulling around in my head for awhile.

I feel more video short- and long-form content needs to be made to combat common and niche bullshit TRA/libfem/pickme talking points. I have a flair for the artistic too, I want to make videos people really like watching-similar to how TRAs have Contrapointless and whoever else has well-thought-out content

That being said, as we know, people are not convinced through logic alone.

I’d love to hear of books (or other media) that would be helpful in regards to winning people over to (seemingly distasteful and unpopular) conclusions, making coherent arguments and structuring YouTube videos.

Much appreciated 🫶🫰

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