Discussion"Flipping Patriarchy: imagining a gender-swapped world" by Man Who Has It All to be released in May 2025
Posted January 13, 2025 by quiggy in FeministBooks

Anyone excited about this release in May? Anyone know or have thoughts on Man Who Has It All? I have really enjoyed their content over the years. Sometimes it gets a bit repetitive but it's a great idea IMO and a lot of great stuff has come of it.

For those who don't know, Man Who Has It All is a social media presence who satirically posts as if they are from an alternate universe where gender roles are swapped and people think of men and boys the way they think of women and girls, and vice versa.

Often, though not always, the posts will even ostensibly be from a so-called "menininist" perspective, but it's actually just the inverse of real-world fake pop feminism and not actually empowering to the (in their world) oppressed men. It deftly exposes the fact that even a lot of so-called feminism, especially male feminism, looks absolutely absurd when you say the same thing about men/boys as if it is supposed to be inspirational. It's not.

Also, they sell women's T-shirts that say things like "engineer" and men's T-shirts that say "male engineer." And children's versions too, with "[future] male scientist" and stuff. I think they might actually charge more for the boys' shirt as well. I know with this book, they have a male version that's exactly the same but costs more.

Anyway, I just popped in to check out what they were up to and it seems this book is going to happen in May and it looks like it could be pretty fun and also do a good job of exposing the patriarchy. I think that when you flip the script like this and it immediately sounds so freaking ridiculous and nothing like anything anyone would ever say, it can make it very hard to claim with a straight face that patriarchy isn't a real thing.


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