Do you have suggestions for gender critical children's books to read to by daughter? She's a baby right now so picture books would be great but also young adult books for when she's older.
The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch - picture book about a princess who saves a prince from a dragon, but he doesn’t like that she doesn’t look princess-y enough, so she dumps him.
In a similar vein is the YA series The Enchanted Forest (also know as the Dealing with Dragons series) by Patricia C. Wrede.
My 5 year old loves that book! When I read it to her now, I can tell she's working on memorizing the speech at the end that includes the word "bum". Munsch has some great books with clever girls at the helm. Just yesterday we were recreating "Stephanie's Ponytail" with some wild hairstyles. My daughter loves how Stephanie the trendsetter outsmarts the copycats at the end.
Dealing with Dragons sounds fantastic - I'll have to look into it.
There are some mentions of books in response to this Mumsnet thread requesting recs for girls in puberty that uses appropriate female terminology.
My Body is Me! by Rachel Rooney aimed at 3-6 year olds. I haven't read it myself.