Hi all!
I hesitate to name this organization but it's in the US and it has chapters across the country...but I don't want creeps viewing the site joining it. What is everyone's experience with clubs like this? I was disappointed when I went because I expected it to be free from trans-talk (or at least not positive talk lol) because of it's supposed focus, but the two elder ladies (one of who hosts the chapter I attended) both were talking to each other about this topic. The first one said "my niece told me she was nonbinary, so how do I refer to them now?" And the other one responded by saying "you can say ___. My adult child is trans and I say ___" At this point I can't remember the exact wording because I went one time only in the fall and I havent been back since. I wanted to meet down to earth women who don't believe this nonsense there, and maybe if lucky even meet a women to date. It's really hard to find compatible women to date in my very friendly TQ area. I'd also expect the group to be full of lesbian and bi women because the particular place I'm in has a rich history of women-loving-women. Anyway, I wasn't sure if this was a test since I was new, as I was the only other one with them and we were on a nature walk together. Also, I'm afraid of announcing my location but I hope to one day be able to meet some women from Ovarit out in the real world. Doxxing is just absolutely terrifying and since this site is viewable to anyone I don't know how to go about that.
Yeah, my area is very TQ-friendly as well, and most local "women's groups" seem to be run by libfem types.
I'm sure I could find a group where gender ideology simply doesn't come up much, but I doubt I'd find one where people actively express gender-critical beliefs.
And I'm with you on that last part 100%. It'd be so neat to know another GC woman IRL but you unfortunately have to be cautious online.
It's ridiculous how secretive we have to be, really feels like every person is the secret police, waiting to report for thought crimes.
Hi there, I just joined and saw your post. This is something I've been struggling with myself, most outdoors organizations have been completely hijacked. My personal approach has been to attend events anyway, tune things out, make vague yet contrarian comments when presented with an opportunity, and drop subtle hints. Every once in a while someone will pick up on the hint (it's usually a straight man that picks up on it, but at least it's someone I can have an honest conversation with! Mixed gender spaces are often better - sadly it's the very organizations that used to be devoted to increasing female participation in the outdoors that are the most corrupted)
It's just pervasive - one of the local hiking clubs turned all their multi stall restrooms gender neutral, a backcountry ski day I attended had a note about sharing pronouns in the introductory email (which thankfully was a non issue- all but 2 people declined to say them) I still want to participate in the outdoor community, so I will. I won't let this toxic ideology steal that from me.
I tend to just ignore things unless an organization makes an overt statement in support of youth transition or males in women's sports - I cancelled my long standing membership in a local mountain bike club because they published a statement demanding trans inclusion in women's bike racing.
Hi there! First of all, welcome.
Yeah the women outdoors scene was disappointing for me. I haven't been back since. That's a good tip about mixed outdoors groups though, since that doesn't validate the twans