I think "Natalie" Wynn aka Contrapoints is skinwalking this poor women.
I've only ever heard tell of Contrapoints, had no idea his fake name was "Natalie" Wynn! Very interesting connection!
I had never heard of Winn until now. I wouldn't know of she is famous enough for Contra to want to emulate her.
The style of Contrapoints is very reminiscent of her. You don't have to be famous to have a crazy AGP go after you. You just have to be their type.
Most interesting points for me:
He says he talked to a mind control/hypnosis expert who said the sissy porn propaganda spread online is "military grade" psychological manipulation.
I can't find the exact moment again (feel free to tell me if you find it), but when she asks about his sexuality, iirc, he kinda dodges the question. I get ashamed/repressed bisexual vibes.
He says his first exposure to crossdressing was in media shown to him in school at elementary age, and that he was immediately drawn to it.
I was shocked when he said he was always interested in women. His speech and mannerisms seem gay. He also said that he was willing to be with men just before meeting his partner. So he probably is bi.
I knew what sissy porn was, but I had no idea what the hypo stuff entailed. That is so nuts that little boys are having their first experiences like this. I truly do not understand how this can be arousing or fun.
But I will say that the discussion around how boys can't be feminine or affectionate, thus turn to sissy porn as an "acceptable" way of tapping into those feelings sounds very familiar.
It seems just like the theory behind why many women have rape fantasies. There is a school of thought which says that since women's sexuality is so repressed, rape fantasies allow them to still be "good girls" because they didnt want it, it was that mean rapist who did it.
Also, it's so irritating how many ppl validated the speakers crossdressing. Without that encouragement, I'll bet there would be fewer TIPs.
Thanks for sharing the video.
rape fantasies
Another point/connection: On Shane's nonconsensual experience with another man and how he was pretty much programmed to seek that by being "hypnotized" by the porn into doing more and more depraved acts, I was reminded of Hunter Schafer's old viral deleted instagram diary entry where he wrote, "Not feeling femme enough w/o being a victim of r*pe", and basically said "both men and women fetishize rape."
how many ppl validated the speakers crossdressing
This is one of the most interesting elements for me of this whole social contagion - why are many people, but especially women, so naturally drawn to affirming crossdressing men? I wonder if there is any evolutionary psychology on this.
I think it's very similar to our instinct to rescue and rehabilitate starving abandoned pets.
Yeah it's a mystery.
Idk if its nature though. The social pressure to be kind and the general inclination to appease potentially dangerous males may be involved.
I really like Stephanie Winn's youtube channel; If you liked this episode, check out her interview with Wildfire Whispers, it's another good one.
It is a good question that definitely needs answering - who are the specific people producing and promoting sissy porn. They need their names, faces, and criminal histories recorded for everyone to see.
Interestingly he says that sissy porn is training boys to be "masochists to accept they have no boundaries and are there to be used". Feminization is the most degraded state possible. "weak pathetic useless"
More evidence trans is founded on misogyny. Transference of the same historical attitudes they have about women to boys.
Maybe Im a simple person, but I think male degeneracy is behind it. Just like prostitution and porn and most paraphilias
Definitely, but I suspect the sissy hypno genre has organized groups of sick fetishists involved. It is targeted at very young boys and teenagers for grooming purposes. Like you get with the POSs producing CP - all gathering in the same spaces.