OpalsMarch 6, 2025(Edited March 7, 2025)

Her comments are really uninformed. Nice one on missing Ireland out of the Anglosphere and placing Slovenia, in Central Europe, in Eastern Europe. It's one wrong 'fact' per minute listening to this.

I'm familiar with the critique of same-sex marriage and the central point of her argument but this comes across more like an attack on same-sex couples. I'll be ready to get rid of same-sex marriage once we get rid of heterosexual marriage and long before that, when we get rid of child marriage. There is also a lot of supposition in her arguments... portraying same-sex marriage as being a door to surrogacy when most surrogacy is for heterosexual couples (whether they are married or not) and ignoring the fact that marriage provides legal stability and is a contract between partners and does not come with the expectation of children. Yeah it's bad and homosexuals are awful and we shouldn't be allowed to enter into the same contracts as heterosexuals. Yawn. Same shit as I used to hear from fundies.

arete [OP]March 6, 2025

Anyone actually informed would know that being in Central Europe does not preclude a country from also being in Eastern Europe (or Southern Europe, or Southeastern Europe). Slovenia used to be a part of the former Yugoslavia, which was strongly independent among the communist states, but it's not unreasonable to consider it part of the Eastern Bloc. Likewise, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, etc., are also countries that are both Central as well as Eastern European. Similarly, there's no fixed definition for "Anglosphere". Ireland can be left out because it's Catholic rather than Protestant, and is no longer ruled by Anglo/Anglo-Americans since its independence.

I'll be ready to get rid of same-sex marriage once we get rid of heterosexual marriage and long before that, when we get rid of child marriage.

Well yeah, I'm pretty sure Professor Winter is against all of that.

OpalsMarch 6, 2025(Edited March 7, 2025)

Slovenia is just under Austria. No-one would ever describe Austria as 'Eastern Europe'.

So what it used to be part of Yugoslavia? Yugoslavia hasn't existed for over 30 years and I don't know what the relevance is... quite a bit of Austria used to be Slovenia, further back Slovenia was part of Austria-Hungary... it's never even relevant

What does being Catholic have to do with whether a country is part of the Anglosphere? Would you exclude Glasgow or Liverpool for the same reason, or certain parts of the USA? JRR Tolkein not really a British author because he was Catholic? Jacob Rees-Mogg? Ireland is probably more culturally similar to the UK than quite a lot of the USA is.

arete [OP]March 7, 2025

Slovenia is just under Austria.

So? Most of Russia is geographically situated in Asia, but few would regard it as an Asian country. Besides, Austrians don't speak a Slavic language. You can shout about it all you want, but unlike the sexes, the subdivisions of a continent aren't clearly demarcated.

The dominant class of Ireland isn't White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, unlike that of the Five Eyes nations. If someone wants to adopt a narrow definition of the Anglosphere, it's not inherently wrong.

OpalsMarch 7, 2025(Edited March 7, 2025)

‘Austrians don’t speak a Slavic language’

Don’t Austrians speak Slovene? Or does no true Austrian speak Slovene? In Carinthia, where Slovenian is spoken by quite a lot of people, Jörg Haider became notorious for tearing down bilingual German/Slovene signs. In Burgenland, there has been a Croatian speaking minority for a long time and for obvious historic reasons, there are quite a lot of Czech and Slovak speakers in Austria. And many Austrian words are influenced by Slavic languages.

You’re ignoring any connection between the countries based on the fact that you can’t see past what language they speak. I wonder if you would be willing to say that part of Switzerland is actually France because they speak French or that part of Sweden is actually Finland and so on… it seems to be the same sort of thinking that has underpinned ethnic cleansing in Europe for centuries. In fact ‘they’re Germans and they being in Germany’ was a good reason to steal the Sudetenland… which is now mysteriously back in the ‘Slavic’ Czech Republic.

And even on that count, to borrow a phrase… educate yourself: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carinthian_Slovenes … there are Austrians who speak a Slavic language, Italians who speak German… the borders of that religion have changed many times over the past century or so.

I don’t see how ‘they speak a Slavic language’ actually makes countries that similar at all. Russia is massively different to Slovenia. Yugoslavia didn’t function as a country in spite of most people basically speaking the same language.

And of course Russia is an Asian country. More than half of it is in Asia, hence the term ‘European Russia’ for the part that is not. Most people just think of particular parts of Russia and forget that the rest exists…

It’s a very superficial analysis to say ‘they are Catholic’ or ‘they speak a Slavic language’. Sweden speaks a Germanic language but it is not much like Jamaica. Poland is Catholic but is not much like Ireland or Mexico and so on. There is huge variation between Catholic countries in Europe and Ireland is rapidly becoming one of the least religious Catholic countries, more like Spain than, say, Slovakia. And it’s generally accepted as a core member of the Anglosphere, except, apparently, by people who can’t see past the country being nominally Catholic.

Think it’s likely that you are posting your own opinion video and opinion here.

arete [OP]March 7, 2025

Lol I'm impressed by your vivid imagination, and as if I didn't know that some Austrians speak Slavic languages!