Its strange that they disabled the comments. The comments were up when I first watched this a few years ago
This whole documentary is heartbreaking. But Brizzi's story (starting at around 9:30 in the video) made me cry. First her American buyers abandon her to live as a stateless ghost in Ukraine (Ukraine doesn't have birthright citizenship). And then the orphanage doesn't let her remain close to Marina (the woman who has loved her the longest)
Brizzi's story still haunts me years after I watched this documentary. I still wonder how she's doing sometimes. And I hope Marina found some way to remain in contact with her.
I also hope that there's a hell so that the rich Americans who intentionally created her just to doom her to this fate can roast in it!
At 21:30, the journalist contacts the assholes who abandoned Brizzi. But, of course, the cowards have nothing to say. They left their (presumably) biological daughter to rot in a place where she cannot even get proper citizenship. All because she had the audacity to be born disabled. Even though they could have afforded top of the line care for her. Surrogacy is bad enough. But to intentionally create a baby just to abandon her in a third world orphanage if she doesn't turn out "perfect"? Pure evil
This whole documentary is heartbreaking.
It really is. For the abandoned children. For the abused gestational mothers. Just all round heartbreaking.
Heart breaking
If it makes you feel better, things got better for Brizzi. And the assholes who abandoned her tried to sue the journalist for reputational damage and lost
I did a bit of searching on Brizzi and found this article about the assholes who abandoned her:
I'm glad this documentary fucked them up. But I am enraged that the surrogacy agency allowed them to make more babies after they callously left the first one to rot and be cared for by Ukrainian taxpayers. They really will just hand children over to anyone who can pay the fee
The utter selfishness of buying a baby at 59. Fuck that. And no, I don’t care about the contempt you received - you abandoned a disabled child in a country that has limited resources to help disabled children. A child who will now have attachment issues. Not to mention you buying a likely impoverished woman’s uterus and exposing her to the risks and trauma of pregnancy, childbirth and losing one child to still birth and one to surrogacy.
FUCK THAT. You don’t get to buy a baby just because you missed the boat on your fertile window. You’re in your sixties!!
Seriously, Even if they have money for Nannies, having a kid at that age is selfish. I'm in my late 30s, and I feel too old to be raising kids!
And even if they didn't want Brizzi, they could have brought her to the USA and put her in an institution. It would have still been an evil and shitty thing to do. But at least she wouldn't be a stateless ghost in a struggling, war torn country
Thank God she got adopted. Because its terrifying to imagine what life would have been like for her as a disabled adult with no legal citizenship anywhere in a country ravaged by war. Its appalling that the people who intentionally brought her into existence didn't give a damn about any of that. They left her to rot. And then they purchased two more kids like it was nothing.
Ukraine should ban surrogacy outright. But if they're going to keep it, they need to fix that citizenship issue for kids like Brizzi who get abandoned there by their buyers
Also, it seems that Brizzi is okay now. According to this article (the source isn't the best, but I see no reason for them to make this up), she was adopted by an American couple at the start of the Russia/Ukraine conflict. And she has been able to have contact with her birth mom (who moved to New York when the war started). Hopefully, her adoptive parents will keep Marina in her life as well.
I really hope this is true. That poor child. I imagine there are some deep attachment wounds from her early years and from leaving that nurse she was close to.