[Deleted]January 19, 2025

Good news for women and children. One of the most distressing trends I've seen is the increasing disregard for the health and safety of babies/children, from surrogacy to childhood transition to breastfeeding fetishes to pedophilic grooming. I'm glad that this was a unanimous decision.

nopenottodayJanuary 19, 2025

That's been a trend since long before the trans takeover. It's just a great excuse for parents and society to neglect children. Actually come to think of it ... It's been this way for a very long time

[Deleted]January 20, 2025
ArenlaefJanuary 19, 2025

I love that we live in a society that acts like women are mentally ill for not wanting kids, but then if you dare bring your kid anywhere, including to a mandatory summons like this, people act like you're putting them out for having to feed your child in front of them.

But also, how dare you feed your baby formula because breast is best and you probably care more about having perky boobs than your child you harlot! But please do it in private so no one is made to be uncomfortable.

Just tell women with babies they need to stay home instead of just implying it. I wish they'd just be honest with their misogyny.

LyricalAlchemyJanuary 20, 2025

Society hates women and women-related issues like motherhood. I myself chose to be child-free as I saw my mother in law struggle being a single mother on a low income, and my mother had a hard time raising me and my siblings. Society urges women to have babies but won’t invest in the mothers and children. They see us as an empty vessels if we are sterile or as incubators if we become pregnant.

ArenlaefJanuary 20, 2025


pennygadgetJanuary 20, 2025

Women literally cannot win no matter what they do

MarthaMMCJanuary 20, 2025

It depends on what you're doing. If you don't want to use a bottle even with pumped milk, or the baby won't take the bottle, there are places it's easier to breastfeed in public. But there are other instances where it would be disruptive to what is being done, especially for the Mom's focus.

When I nursed my child, I focused on doing that. To try to do other tasks that require more concentration would be more difficult.

SisterCellophaneJanuary 20, 2025

The fucking cheek of them ordering her to pump and leave her baby somewhere else is unbelievable

RappaccinisDaughterJanuary 20, 2025

"You can just pump" is a lie pushed on new mothers to pressure them to stop focusing on their babies. It is SO much harder to maintain a sufficient milk supply if you're just pumping.

AmareldysJanuary 20, 2025

I would rather they allow women to bring their babies.

MarthaMMCJanuary 20, 2025

It would be distracting for the Mom. Because her focus would have to be on the baby. I breastfed my child, and when she needed to nurse I had to do that & stop whatever else I was doing. It would be disruptive to break for that in the middle of trying to listen to testimony, or discuss with other jurors.

MischievousMaydelJanuary 20, 2025

Yes. Plus I can't image the stress of having to console a screaming baby in court.

EavaJanuary 20, 2025

Babies don't belong in court. You can't take a break for every diaper change, spit up, etc. Being on a jury requires focus and attention, it can't be done while nursing and caring for an infant. There needs to be a reasonable period of time when nursing women can be excused. No "I can't do jury duty because I'm still breastfeeding my 3 year old", but absolutely for up to one year.

BlankandPitilessJanuary 20, 2025

No sorry, women can absolutely breastfeed until 3 years old and it’s currently recommended that they do it for at least 2.

EavaJanuary 20, 2025

Sure, they can, but whether that is something society needs to accommodate is a different story. By the age of 3, a child should not be at risk of starvation if their mother isn't around to nurse them, and they should be able to be away from their mothers for an entire day.

And as feminists, I think we need to take a hard look at who is promoting the idea of extended breastfeeding, and whose agenda it really serves. Women having to limit their engagement with society because of the "recommendation" for extended breastfeeding is not something that serves to liberate women.

[Deleted]January 20, 2025

Having been on a jury for five days, I don't think having babies in the courtroom or even in the jury room is realistic.