Welcome to the itsafetish circle! We document examples of fetishism (primarily autogynephilia) within the trans community and discuss implications from a feminist perspective! We typically use Blanchard's typology of transsexualism as our framework.
The Rules:
Mods may remove comments and posts at her own discretion to help ensure that this community is conducive to being women-centered and maintains a healthy amount of critical analysis & intellectual curiosity. The following rules are in addition to the site wide rules.
1. Be mindful of your words. Do not promote bigotry, encourage violence, or use dehumanizing language.
Do not criticize appearances.
Do not use autism as an insult. Do not denigrate the mentally ill.
Do not belittle self harm or promote the suicide myth.
Do not advocate for violence of any kind.
2. Keep posts on-topic and in spirit with the circle. Flair posts appropriately. Use archive links for social media posts.
Posts that do not clearly display autogynephilia, autoandrophilia, or autohomoerotic behavior will be removed.
Posts unrelated to queer theory or transgenderism will also be removed.
Videos are allowed, but posters must make a top level comment explaining why the video is relevant to this sub and provide timestamps to relevant content.
Posts that serve to just ragebait without commentary or lack connection to a broader discussion will also be removed.
Use archive websites such as archive.is for posts that link to social media posts or accounts on Reddit, Twitter, etc.
3. Content involving or by minors is not allowed.
4. When linking to Google docs, put a warning in title, so that users know prior to clicking.
5. No explicit pornographic material.
6. Censor images that use real women without their consent. Take a generous approach regarding blurring / censoring people who are unrelated to the displays of fetishism.
Many of the sissy hypno material created by autogynephillic men use real women either that they know or from porn. Please censor women from those posts by blurring them or blacking them. We don’t want to contribute to the sharing of explicit material made without consent especially when women are the ones being harmed and targeted.
This guy thinks about his mother's and grandmother's breasts. He compared their size to other women in his family, let that sink in.