The commenter's last sentence really struck me, because I was married to an AGP TIM who only revealed his belief he was "a woman in a man's body" after 32 years of marriage. For the entirety of our marriage, that is, he'd been subject to thoughts and urges he only revealed to me after 32 years. I've since thought extensively about how his undisclosed thoughts and feelings, his "hid[ing] his trans thoughts" and his "want[ing] to be a woman before orgasm" affected our marriage and the conditioned the dynamics of our relationship and our sex life.
Hide his "Trans thoughts"? Who wants to bet he just wants to be dominated but his basic mind can't come up with something more creative than his misogynistic/patriarchal brainwashing.
I once saved a man from becoming a TiM. He was super into dominance. Performative and addicted basically. All it took was the question "do you really want to BE a woman, or do you just want to be in the "woman's position" for once - not on top?" He melted and admitted no one ever had him face that deep truth. And no I didn't give it to him lol sub men need to get right with themselves and pay massive reparations before they're ready for the bedroom
Title: Post nut clarity imposter syndrome
So well...
I am not 100% sure whether i am trans or not and one of the reasons i think i might not be is, because i have it strongly connected with arousal. Normally i dont really feel some strong dysphoria more of a "i dont belong in my body/it is just a shell for my mind" stuff, but whenever i feel of actually being women i get quite aroused of the idea itself. It doesnt really HAVE to be in a sexual setting, but much of the time it is. I watch and watched a lots of sissy hypno videos and i am quite scared it is just a kink...
The main thing that bugs me is whenever i finish i have like huge post nut clarity and i feel ashamed for i dont know masturbating with those videos/ideas. My brain just goes like "tf play pretend are you trying to do??? You are a masculine man so behave like it!!!" After this the desire goes away for some time, but it always comes back.
Is it just a kink/fetish or how can i actually look into it?
Anything/Any ideas will help!
In advance Thank you for your anser!
Hello I was in similar situation and asked myself the question: Is the real me the post-nut-clarity me or the no-masturbation me. I decided on the later since I didn’t want to masturbate and orgasm 3 times a day to keep the dysphoria and trans thoughts away. I also thought about relationships. How can I be in a relationship as a man? I‘d have to hide all my trans thoughts and I probably wouldn’t be able to have sex or an intimate relationship bc I want to be a woman before orgasm.
The idea of post nut clarity annoys me. What do you mean you can only think clearly after having an orgasm? But then men are categorised as "rational" and we get the "emotional" label 🙄
Also, how can someone be so dense? If you are watching sissy hypno then of course porn is what made you think you are a woman
If post nut clarity actually made them think clearly, all the men would do a quick wank before taking exams, and as far as I'm aware they don't do that