Happy New Year! My gym is on the Northside of Chicago. Periodically, I see a TIM come in. He uses the handicapped bathroom to change, thankfully. The first time he came in, he was staring at people like he was expecting a fight. He was in a black sports bra and black leggings. He’s not in…good shape, and he doesn’t seem to understand how to use the equipment or machines correctly or he doesn’t use them at all, but just sits there and stares at people.
Today, the gym was totally crowded, and he was in the weight room on the bench attempting to press a weight that was clearly too heavy for him and no spot, so I was watching him to see if he was going to end dropping it on himself.
But no. Instead, he gave up, walked it off, and started picking his nose and eating it. In a crowded gym.
So brave and stunning. Very mindful. Very demure.
I was working with my PT and I just had to stop for a bit.
So I didn’t use any of the equipment I thought TIM used, and when he left, he left in his sports bra and leggings directly out the door and into the freezing cold and the rain.
But tell me again that TIMs aren’t just weirdos with AGP.