EavaJanuary 7, 2025


shewolfoffranceJanuary 7, 2025

TiMs have done more to peak normies than KJK, Meghan Murphy, and JKR combined.

Lemon_QuicheJanuary 7, 2025(Edited January 7, 2025)

LOL. I'm remembering now that he went on Nina Paley's podcast and got offended when she said that she 'might call him a tr*nny, but she'd never call him a TERF'– after he tried to say that he was called a TERF online. (8:07)

I think he's saying this because it upsets the trans community: He's trying to make himself "one of the good ones" to conservatives, and maybe even a TERF to TRAs, because it's affirming to him to be compared to the actual women who hold similar beliefs.

I think it's the same reason he made himself such a big figure in GamerGate: He liked being one of the 'victims', because the victims were female, and it played into his self-perception.

Wu, if you read this: No amount of saying the quiet part out loud will make you a feminist OR a woman.

IsThereADogJanuary 7, 2025

Also the way they all want to be figures of authority or the faces of things that are woman things. Like trying to be a known talking head in this area rather than a woman. See all the leaders of woman groups associations services everything

ocelotJanuary 7, 2025

Proof that gay and bisexual men can be autogynephiles : this tweet.

KevlarMagnoliaJanuary 7, 2025

I’m not convinced Brianna Wu is gay. I think being married to a man is just part of his LARP.

GraysEndlessInciteJanuary 7, 2025(Edited January 7, 2025)

Brianna Wu is a TIM who became infamous among gamer geek culture for founding Giant Space Kat studios which produced a few awful games, and then Wu blaming his failures on a "GamerGate" misogynistic harassment campaign. He is rather unstable but is also an opportunistic attention seeker and it seems he has done a 180 and now trys to get on the right-wing anti-woke grift targeting disaffected anti-social gamers.

However, if I remember correctly, his first marriage was to a man. If he is an AGP with a homosexual history it would seem his sexual experiences are just as opportunistic as his cultural posturing.

CattitudeJanuary 7, 2025

It's like he's trying to claim AGP is some sort of disability they should be pitied for.

nomenarewomenJanuary 7, 2025

Yup. They’re trying to make out it’s something that should be accommodated. It’s not. It’s a fetish. A perverted and dangerous fetish. It needs to be eliminated from their system and never EVER tolerated.

CattitudeJanuary 7, 2025


bunyipJanuary 7, 2025

Pornsickness is a real disease! Please donate to help the victims of this horrible affliction!

TheChaliceIsMightierJanuary 7, 2025

Is this real??

OnlyHumanJanuary 7, 2025

I really can't figure out what he was hoping to get out of this

Usually the true trans will use the acknowledgement of AGP to distance themselves from it, but he's just straight up saying yeah we're like this but we need to be trad (in the context post before this one)

TheChaliceIsMightierJanuary 7, 2025

Yeah what is he getting out of admitting this 🤨

nomenarewomenJanuary 7, 2025

I think he sees the tide turning and is trying to leverage AGP as a valid state of being that society should totally just accept. He knows people are waking up so is employing the classic neo-liberal tactic of trying to destigmatise anything that could be stigmatised and anyone who objects is just being too ‘normative’.

LilithJanuary 7, 2025

Attention, clicks, etc.

SassafrassFebruary 16, 2025

…..yes Mr Wu…. We know that… That’s what we’ve been saying.

ItzpapalotlJanuary 7, 2025

Well, they say honesty is the best policy...but announcing this is basically kicking themselves in the dick. Good.

nomenarewomenJanuary 7, 2025

He came out and said this??! Please please can people start waking up when they read what these scrotes are saying now and please can the handmaidens not just bury even more of their instincts and try to make prostitution and fetishes okay in their mind.

OxyToxinJanuary 7, 2025

The irony of wanting to be a female fetish object when the only asset that will get them sexual objectification is a penis. And they will get that objectification from other males... It really doesn't get more male than that.