DiscussionThe TIM infestation in r/ABraThatFits
Posted January 15, 2025 by KevlarMagnolia in ItsAFetish

I have been reading a lot of posts, new and older, on r/ABraThatFits lately because I want to know if a comfortable underwire does, in fact, exist. And holy cow, the TIMs! There are so many! Even when a post doesn't specifically say "amab" (barf), I often see something in the post that makes me click into the poster's history to check aaaand 90% of the time--yep, it's a TIM.

I understand why the TIMs are in r/ABraThatFits--it's a fetish! What I don't understand is why the community supports them. This is a subreddit that puts spoiler tags on literally every post to make it marginally harder for "pervs" to see pictures of boobs in bras. But they have rolled out the red carpet for these heterosexual male fetishists. What are these women (the mods and the commentariat) getting out of this? Why are women spending their precious time troubleshooting TIMs' bra fit issues?

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