Satan Wants You---A documentary about Satanic Panic in the 80s
Posted November 13, 2023 by questioningtw in Movies

I have always been fasinated with the human mind---and find it disturbing how people are able to deeply believe in things that are complete lies. This movie talks about the orgins of Satanic Panic and how this religious psychatrist and his patient basically encouraged the world to believe that satanists were torturing children in secret. i never understood how people could be so unskeptical, and gullible that they could actually believe in the absolute nonsense that was Michelle Remembers. The movie does a very good job intereviewing family of both the psychatrist, Lawrance Pazdar and Michelle Smith as well as police officers and psychologists. But I really hated how the movie really glossed over what a prediator Pazdar was and seemed to more place the blame on Michelle Smith---who was obviously an extremely mentally ill woman. They also placed a lot of the blame on the church---who does deserve a lot of the blame...but again glosses over the role of psychatrists, and therapists who were going on talk shows and writing books about how satanic abuse was absolutely real. It also all but ignored the fact that these kids were often not lying---they were coerced into saying that these things happened to them by therapists that were goading them. Michelle Smith was a mentally unwell woman, who was abused by her dad and had a miscarraige. Lawrance PAzdar kept goading her on and on to think that her nightmares were ritualistic abuse, it was seriously upsetting hearing these recordings of her saying she wasn't sure what is real and unreal. Only ONE police man spoke out about he holds Pazdar to blame for all of this-----literally everyone else in the movie acted like Michelle Smith was a homewrecker who made up a story to trap this poor innocent psychatristeyeroll

They connected the Satanic Panic to Pizzagate very briefly then just went back to people wondering how all of this could have happened, instead of actually delving into psychology and why we are a so eager to believe. They could have also mentioned the whole Elizabeth Holmes fiasco and how so many people fell for an obvious lie and pretended that her device was actually working. But then we would have to acknowledge that sometimes science is shady as hell too---not just religion.


hatpinNovember 14, 2023

Do not forget that one of the therapists involved in the 'Satanic Panic' ritual abuse memory recovery, Diane Ehrensaft, has moved on to the Gender Religion: Article.

*there has been surprisingly little effort to cover this up, so searching for her name will bring up more links for further research.

questioningtw [OP]November 14, 2023

Intersting. I wish the documentary spent less time gossping about Lawrance Pazdar and Michelle Smith and more time exposing the role of these unethical therapists in satanitic panic. They did do this some....but apparently what everyone really needed to know was that Michelle Smith was a homewrecker that lied about abuse to marry Pazdar!*

*I actually thought this was completely irresponsible. Michelle Smith WAS abused by her dad and had a miscarraige. Pazdar put these ideas in her head and was obsessed with fame. These therapists were the ones in positions of power and they completely abused their power by preying on vulnerable people. A lot of the children were very much coereced into saying they were abused.

FeminaNovember 14, 2023

Speaking of which... O_O : https://ibb.co/K06VVK1 666... 6666... XD

questioningtw [OP]November 14, 2023

oh no! I better get out of this forum before I beco----------