Kieran Culkin in his awards speech for the 2025 Oscars told a story of how he pressured his wife for a THIRD child, which she was openly reluctant about, and then said how she said if he won an Oscar, she would have FOUR children. He then said “no pressure” while tapping impatiently for her to have two more children she doesn’t want, making it abundantly clear by shaking her head and saying “no”. In today’s already rampant misogyny, lack of abortion access, and deteriorating society, I am appalled he would even suggest this as a “joke”, let alone to pressure her on live tv with one billion viewers and in front of a large audience.
Kiernan's also been doing that whole "Ugh, I don't even care about all this Oscar shit. It's all stupid and lame." thing that no woman would ever get away with. Kristen Stewart once said she wasn't worried about the awards race yet when her movie first started getting awards buzz and they snubbed her for almost every single award nomination until she apologized and was granted an Oscar nom after missing out on the rest of awards season.
It just pisses me off so much. Kiernan not caring or mocking the whole thing just makes him relatable and quirky. For Kristen, it meant she was an ungrateful bit*h. Men get away with so much.
And also, Kiernan started crying as soon as he won so clearly it was all an act anyway. I like him as an actor, but he seems kind of insufferable as a person.
There are actual budget allocated to movies now for millions of dollars for consultants who get you nominated
Wow, I had no idea about the Kirsten Stewart story. Screw them.
And Culkin is trash.
Yea that speech was horrid. What kind of an asshole puts his wife on the spot like that? “I won an oscar so you have to risk your life two more times.” I hope she doesn’t do it.
Men who have anything to say about how many children the women they're with should (or, worse, will) have should be sterilized at the first signs of having an opinion. It is so disgusting that we've been accepting this behaviour for so long. "Your body my choice" is not a contemporary incel slogan, it's how we've been operating for thousands of years. And this is why I always warn women that whether you want kids or not, you should NEVER be with anyone who feels strongly about it either way, especially men, who have never had to seriously consider what it's like to be pregnant and give birth and don't have the moral backbone to feel the appropriate shame and horror over forcing or coercing a less than extremely enthusiastic woman into it.
Wow. What an asshole.
Even if it's an innocent joke on his part, it's insensitive to do it in a post-Roe America
Also, I had no idea that dude was in the running for an Oscar
Exactly. And I doubt it could be innocent since he belabored the point for a big chunk of his speech.
Imagine being the kid one day finding this online and learning that dad pressured mum into having you.
So pissed that Edward Norton didn't win for A COMPLETE UNKNOWN. He absolutely nailed Pete Seeger.
And now as a couple won for “I’m Not a Robot”, the winning woman, Victoria Warmerdam, referred to this moment, telling her partner “I’m not having your babies because of this statue”.
Good for her!
New heroine just dropped